Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 1123

Seeing that Gu Yihan took out a bowl from the cupboard again, it was a bad premonition that he wouldn’t be able to drink it again, right? Didn’t he see that the pot has been reduced by half?

Sure enough, Gu Yihan took a bowl and walked straight to Lin Momo and put the bowl on the coffee table in front of Lin Momo.

“Drink while it’s hot.”

“No, I’ve just drunk half of the pot, and you still want me to drink it. You think me, pig.” Lin Momo glanced at the sink and found that the bowls and spoons are confident, Gu Yi Han didn’t know that Aunt He shared the burden for herself and said frankly.

“Drink.” Gu Yihan did not say much, spit out a very strong word.

“I…” Lin Momo met Gu Yihan’s sharp eyes as soon as he had to say something, but his lips were wide open but he couldn’t speak.

Lin Momo reluctantly picked up the bowl. Looking at the big bowl of big bone soup, he couldn’t help complaining about why, forcing others to drink soup, did you know if you drank too much, you would really vomit. Hum, I knew that you just came back and I shouldn’t drink it. I dumped it all in a pot to see what you could give me to drink.

Lin Momo resisted and swallowed a bowl of soup, burped and said, “It’s finished.”

Gu Yihan took the bowl and walked into the kitchen again. Lin Momo’s heart was lifted up. Why did he go? Don’t you go to Sheng again? Really, do you still have to live? If he brings me another bowl, I will commit suicide!

Soon Lin Momo breathed a sigh of relief. Gu Yihan put the bowl in the sink and walked back.

“I think you have the right to know about some things.” Gu Yihan thought about it and finally paid it back, and decided to tell Lin Momo the truth.

“Huh? What happened?” Lin Momo looked at Gu Yihan’s serious expression and asked when he sat up straight.

“It’s something you lost when you were a kid.” Gu Yihan took a breath and said silently.

“Actually, I know that there are not at all, I have lost some of them, they don’t want me but you have you, don’t worry, I am not so fragile.” Lin Momo said nonchalantly as if she said in her mouth. generally.

Gu Yihan continued, “No, I’m going to say no, this.”

“No, this? What else?” Is Lin Momo weird or is it something worse than this?

“You also know that there is a woman like your father Ye Lingtian’s current woman, but your biological mother has it. When he married your biological mother, Xiaosan was right there.”

Lin Momo heard waves of anger in his heart and turned his head and said loudly, “No, my father has me, but he is such a cold-blooded father.”

“Listen to me first.” Gu Yihan paused and then said, “In fact, when Ye Lingtian divorced your mother, An Kehui carefully arranged for you to be stolen and discarded by her. And yours Because of this incident, the biological mother also suffered from depression and depression, so that after giving birth to your brother, he didn’t get better and finally committed suicide by taking poison.”

“What? You said, really?” Lin Momo jumped up emotionally and asked Gu Yihan.

“Sit down first, don’t worry until I finish.”

Gu Yihan frowned slightly and finally returned, and then said, “Ye Lingtian still has a conscience. He donated 10% of the company’s assets to charity in the name of your biological mother. And what he said is true. After you were lost, he did send someone to look for it. For so many years, there was no interruption. Although the intensity is not strong, he still has it, and he worked hard.

When your brother first became ill, I was still wondering why he didn’t send your brother to Danxin Hospital. After all, the equipment and technology there are better than those in other places. Many people were sent to investigate and found out that Ye’s family was in trouble. Yes, but to be specific, no one can say for sure. I think they must, and want your brother to take away the part of the property that belongs to him. ”

He has been looking for me? Uninterrupted for decades? So, did I blame him wrong?

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