Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 1341

Lin Momo doubted that the editor-in-chief had pitted herself. Why did she feel that she was so busy, not the team leader, who did not sit in front of the computer and play cards for a while, so leisurely, how could it be her turn? It was time for her to be so busy that she couldn’t stop as if she had eaten Xuanmai.

To say that the editor-in-chief cheated her, she really wronged the editor-in-chief. The other is that the team leader has a client and a client target is gradually accumulated, and she suddenly took over as the team leader, naturally it will take a lot of copies.

“It would be great if a few people came out to help myself. I alone didn’t know that I saw the year of the monkey and the month of the year.”

Lin Momo couldn’t help worrying about the information when he saw a pile of documents placed on his desk.

“Hey, you have to be equipped with a personal assistant anyway, then there is a team leader.”

Lin Momo said with a smile, and then shook his head. How could it be possible that there are so many team leaders in the company who still have no assistants, how could he be.

Da da da!

At this time, the door of the room was knocked.

Lin Momo’s listlessness responded by saying “Go in.”

Lin Momo immediately raised his head mechanically, wanting to see which team member sent the new information, hey, luckily, I am used to it!


When Lin Momo saw the people coming, he couldn’t help being surprised. Where is one of her team members? Which team member can be like her? The front is convex and backward, which makes people pleasing to see. Does Nima have a model?

Who is this person? Did you go wrong?

Lin Momo was the first reaction to this. However, Lin Momo quickly denied that he was an idea. He was in the office and only cleaned it up later. The location is very special. How could it be possible for people to go wrong.

“Head Lin, hello.”

A coquettish blond woman stretched out her right hand towards Lin Momo.

Lin Momo swallowed, and mechanically stretched out his right hand and shook it with the opponent.

Who is there, it won’t replace me, will it? No, she still called me Team Leader Lin, how could she replace me. Why did she come here?

Lin Momo couldn’t figure it out. This is a woman who was surprised even when she saw it. Is there a company with her? Why doesn’t she know?

“Hello, my name is Erya. Our company is a new employee, and the editor-in-chief asked me to learn from you first and be your assistant.”

The woman who claimed to have Er Ya was a woman said to Lin Momo.

Lin Momo heard it, and coughed slightly, Er Ah? !

Who gives you a name? How big is the hatred? You must not have your mother who is born, she looks so beautiful, even I find it pleasing to the eye, using the name Erya is really useless.

Lin Momo couldn’t help but slandered in his heart, but his face showed nothing.

“Wait? What did you say? Be my assistant?”

Lin Momo reacted, stopped spitting in his heart, and said to Erya.

“Yes.” Er Ya said with a smile.

I really have something to think about. Just thinking about the job is not shared, an assistant came. It’s great.

“Well, if I take the liberty to ask, you…who will get your name for you?”

Lin Momo thought for a while and asked, thinking that this person has himself as an assistant, so it’s better to get along well in the future, he will definitely get along well.

“You said Erya? My boss, what’s wrong?”

Er Ya looked confusedly at Lin Momo with a smile on her face and asked.


Lin Momo couldn’t hold his breath and laughed directly. Do you have any hatred with this boss? Fortunately, there is no real mother to get it, hahaha.


Lin Momo looked at the second girl inexplicably, coughed dryly, patted her shoulder and said, “Okay, we will have colleagues in the future, and I don’t have any trouble getting along with people, and there are so many rules. , In short, there is one sentence, sharing the blessings and the difficulties. If you respect me as a brother, I will treat you as a sister. We all work for the company and take care of each other.”

Lin Momo smiled to himself after finishing talking.

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