Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 1367

Qin Yu stood in the lobby of Shengtian Group and asked towards the front desk.

At the beginning of the front desk, some frowning people are looking for our president. Why are they so polite, but when I look up, there is Qin Yu of Qin Yu who is the young master of Qin’s family and Qin Yu followed Gu Yihan for a long time. Who doesn’t know the company.

The front desk replied with a smile, “Mr Gu should be in his office now.”

Qin Yu heard that after hearing that, the reason was not right. The front desk went straight to Gu Yihan in a meteoric manner. Gu Yihan wanted to come to the office. Ask Gu Yihan for something urgent.


The front desk couldn’t help but sighed. Whoever said more, Qin’s family is a young master.

Qin Yu, who walked to Gu Yihan’s office, was also in front of the door. The knock on the door pushed the door directly and shouted “Gu Ge.”

Gu Yihan was on the phone at this time, investigating that his company was a “pest”. His brows were suddenly interrupted by Qin Yu and he couldn’t help but stretched out a bit when he saw that someone had Qin Yu.

“If it’s ok, let’s do this first, and report directly to me.”

Gu Yihan confessed to the person on the other side of the phone that he hung up.

“I, if you are busy with many things and don’t have time to play with you, you might as well go find the late one while she is still not starting school. You two can go crazy.”

Gu Yihan said to Qin Yu angrily.

“Brother Gu’s, I made a special trip to find you this time, yes, did I find someone to play with me?”

Qin Yu sat on the opposite side of Gu Yihan and slid the seat until Gu Yihan was right in front of him.

“Find me?”

Gu Yihan couldn’t help but shook his head suspiciously. He would spare some time to coax with Qin Yu. Now he doesn’t have that idle time.

That said, this little guy can find himself, what is it? The last time Tang Yun was the matter, he overheard that his father was talking and knowing it was. Now I can’t find out what I’m encountering is difficult, so I can’t find it, let alone Qin Yu’s he doesn’t mess with himself.

“I don’t have Gu brother, I was joking with you, and I will tell you yes for big events.”

Qin Yu said anxiously when he saw that Gu Yihan didn’t believe him.

“Okay, okay, you say, what big event?”

Gu Yihan, if I said helplessly, I didn’t let Qin Yu finish talking. I didn’t know when this kid would trouble myself.

“Brother Gu, don’t you remember what I told you? I feel that Ye Qian doesn’t have a good woman. She looks at her sister-in-law when you and her sister-in-law are weddings.”

Qin Yu said seriously.


Gu Yihanruo, Qin Yu, who nodded thoughtfully, did not care about it when he had told himself about it.

“That’s right, it’s not at the wedding between you and your sister-in-law. Did the two drove you and your sister-in-law? You found one group that has Tang Yun and the other one. Didn’t you find it?”

Qin Yu asked back towards Gu Yihan.


Gu Yihan then nodded, why? Did this kid find any clues? If Ye Qian is found, there is another group of people?

Gu Yihan looked at Qin Yu with questions and waited for Qin Yu to follow.

“I don’t know why Gu’s brother, I always feel that Ye Qian has another group of people.” Qin Yu said towards Gu Yihan.

“Have you found evidence?”

Gu Yihan suddenly asked Qin Yu seriously.

If there is Ye Qian, she may have caused the incident as well. As far as Gu Yihan knows, Ye Qian is still quite scheming.


Qin Yu was slightly disappointed and shook his head and replied towards Gu Yihan.

“…No, what did you say.”

Gu Yihan said with a slight emotion and then shook his head.

I really had Qin Yu, who was so dizzy by those things, how old he was able to find out what he actually counted on Qin Yu to help him find a breakthrough.

“Don’t worry, Gu’s brother, although I don’t, I found the proof that Ye Qian has another group of people who are the messengers, but I found another thing.”

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