Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 1835

In desperation, Zhao Yinuo took out his cell phone and dialed the past, “Hey, Gu Forgotten, where are you now? You come to pick us up because Nana is drinking too much.” Zhao Yinuo said anxiously.

“Who is there?” Ling Chen’s voice suddenly came from the phone.

This smelly Lingchen was still with Gu Wang.

unacceptable! Zhao Enuo clenched his fist tightly.

“Where are you now? I’ll pick you up right away.” Gu Wang said hurriedly.

“No need.” Suddenly Zhao Enuo refused.

“Gu Wang asked Ling Chen to pick us up.” The woman continued.

Gu Wang was suspicious for a while, but looking at Ling Chen on the sofa next to him was Gu Wang immediately understood.

Recently, Ling Chen always came to see him because it made Zhao Enuo very unhappy. I should be jealous.

The corner of Gu Wang’s mouth evokes a satisfying arc.

He suddenly wanted to see Zhao Enuo being jealous. It must be very cute.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Wang slowly walked to Ling Chen.

“Ling Chen is Zhao Enuo who asked you to pick her up.” Gu Wang said lightly.

Ling Chen was in the circle in an instant. What’s the point of this?

This man asked himself to pick up his woman?

Is he not afraid that he would abduct that Zhao Enuo? Can Gu Wang be so generous?

“Fortunately, I will go.” Ling Chen replied straightforwardly.

Gu Wang looked at him, smiled, and then turned around to look through the file.

Before leaving, Ling Chen watched and forgot to react at all, and he was very puzzled.

“Hey, Gu Forgotten, you are not afraid that I will take Zhao Enuo away?” Ling Chen asked in a low voice.

“No, Zhao Enuo is more afraid of you taking me away now.” Gu Wang replied lightly.

Suddenly Ling Chen was speechless.

I don’t know how long it took until a car finally stopped in front of the two women.

“Why do you drink so much wine?” Ling Chen hurried to help Shangguan Nana.

“I can’t persuade what I can do.” Zhao Enuo patted Ling Chen on the shoulder and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

“Hey, it’s Zhao Enuo what’s wrong with you, why is your face so dirty!” Ling Chen asked in a low voice.

Zhao Enuo was stunned, but hurriedly took out a tissue and wiped his face.

“What’s wrong is that Nana was too heavy because I accidentally fell.” Zhao Yinuo hurriedly covered up.

“What is it that you lose is Zhao Yinuo who came to drink and must drink!” Shangguan Nana suddenly shouted.

Ling Chen next to her was really taken aback when she looked at Shangguan Nana’s appearance.

But do you know why Ling Chen always feels when looking at the two women, something is wrong, but I can’t tell.

Fortunately, Shangguan Nana has always been drunk, but Zhao Enuo seems to have a very worried look.

At this moment, Zhao Enuo was looking out the window and still had the picture of himself and Shangguan Nana being kidnapped just now in his mind.

That bald man has been hurt by a woman, so he doesn’t want to believe in a woman, right?

A trace of sorrow flashed across Zhao Enuo’s eyes.

She has seen too many such things.

In the process of love, it is common for men to dump women or women to dump men.

But how can you grow if you don’t experience these?

“Enoch Enoch?” Ling Chen looked suspiciously at the woman in the back seat.

But Zhao Enuo didn’t react at all.

“Zhao Enuo!” Ling Chen suddenly shouted.

“Huh?” The woman was taken aback.

Shangguan Nana also trembled.

“What’s wrong?” Zhao Enuo asked in a low voice.

“Did you experience anything just now?” Ling Chen looked at Zhao Enuo cautiously.

No, this matter must never be revealed. She promised that the bald man would not reveal a word.

“No, what can happen to us is nothing more than Nana drank too much, which caused a small sensation.” Zhao Enuo replied awkwardly.

She can only use Shangguan Nana as a shield. Based on the IQs of Ling Chen and Gu Wang, if they were told that nothing happened, they would never believe it.

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