Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 2139

“I advise you not to wait. She won’t come. She has a busy person who is busy doing things that others don’t know about.” Zhou Yang said, it was too much, but she herself was not in the slightest. It is felt.

At the desk, Gu Wang’s obvious expression was unnatural and wrong, he was already angry.

“Ms. Zhou’s, I hope you look at yourself before you speak. How can a lady who is still absent in her head speak such weak and rude words?” Gu Wang said unceremoniously.

He hates other people talking about Zhao Enuo the most. Even if she is true, and if she does something wrong, then in the end, others who can only criticize her themselves are not qualified to speak of her.

“Why? Don’t you know? She didn’t tell you where she is busy taking care of other men now or take care of you.” The woman said deliberately.

What’s the point of this? Where is the house other than my own, man? Liangliang still has a child!

“You speak clearly.” Gu Wang stood up directly.

“Well, look at this angry, she looks so real, if I told you, then forget it, I don’t want to lie down in this muddy water, I will go first.” Zhou Yang, who was talking, left Gu Wang, the office directly.

What is going on here? Where is Zhao Enuo now? What are you doing again? Didn’t you say you want to see yourself, right?

“Hey Lynx, go find Zhao Enuo…” Gu Wang said coldly.

Upon receiving the call, the Bobcats faintly felt a little uneasy.

Nothing will happen, right? The Bobcats were worried as they drove the car.

After Gu Wang hung up the phone, he made more than a dozen calls to Zhao Enuo, but none of the women answered.


The phone was thrown directly aside, and there was a murderous look in the hazy eyes on Gu Wang’s face on the sofa.

“Here is a patient, the medicine must be remembered three times a day and not to eat less on time and in the amount before coming to me.” The nurse directly gave Zhao Enuo a big push of medicine.

“Senior Sister.” The person yelled softly on the hospital bed.

After Zhao Yinuo heard the sound, he turned around and came to Ouyang Chu, beside the bed.

“How do you feel? Is it better?” She was worried, looked in front of her, and asked.

In any case, she is also there. She, the savior, is not a way to see Ouyang Chu injured while she is indifferent.

“Senior sister, why are you here?” Ouyang Chu was weak and asked with a trace of success in his eyes.

“The doctor called me and said that no other contacts can be reached on your mobile phone, so I asked me to come here. I will help you do what you are going to do.” Zhao Yinuo, who was talking, pressed him. on the bed.

“I didn’t drink water all night when I wanted to drink some water.” Ouyang Chu answered slowly.

“Okay you wait a minute, I’ll get you some hot water, don’t move.” Zhao Yinuo asked and walked straight out of the ward.


The patient who had just walked out suddenly held a thermos in front of her, and the patient ran into her directly. Zhao Enuo’s arm was burned with a red envelope when the hot water was all spilled out.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it,” the patient hurriedly apologized.

“Nothing.” She held back her heart and replied in a low voice.

But Ouyang Chu saw this scene in the ward.

“Hey, how come you can’t walk with eyes long, don’t you? You don’t see a big living person on the road…” Ouyang Chu roared loudly.

After moving his body, he exhausted all his energy, and he got out of bed and walked towards the door slowly, Zhao Enuo.

“How is it? Does it hurt?” He was distressed, and the woman asked in a low voice as he watched the scald in front of him.

“Okay, if you are in trouble, you can go back and get out of bed and do nothing. There is only a small injury.” Zhao Yinuo who said that directly helped Ouyang Chu back to the ward.

She is always so strong and hard to make people feel distressed.

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