Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 2498

“We met abroad…” Dai Er said in detail.

For the first time in so many years, she said so much to a woman. The Lynx on the opposite side was stunned as she watched Miss Dai’er’s eloquent appearance.

Did Dai Er show any dislike for Zhou Yang? This somewhat puzzled him.

You know, she almost never makes friends, and she hates women extremely, because she thinks women are the most troublesome, even though she is a female.

The three were together and finished dinner smoothly. The Bobcats offered to send Dai’er home, but Dai’er refused.

“Lynx? To be honest, do you like that woman?” Zhou Yang looked at him dissatisfied and asked.

“What are you talking about? In my heart, there is only one woman whose name is Zhou Yang.” The man immediately explained.

“Then why were you so enthusiastic to her just now?” the woman asked.

“You are not enthusiastic about her, that’s because you don’t understand her…” the man explained.

Finally, she understood everything.

“Then my performance just now was a bit too much?” Zhou Yang asked immediately.

That’s more than excessive, it’s simply rude!

“Okay, since the matter has passed anyway, don’t think about it anymore.” The Lynx grabbed her little hand tightly and whispered.

At this time, Gu Wang was still busy in the office, with a serious and careful appearance.

Dai’er, who had left Bobcat and Zhou Yang, did not return to the hotel, but went directly to the Gu family.

“Have you left yet?” She opened the door of the office and asked directly.

“Yeah.” The man replied faintly, he didn’t seem to hear her voice.

“When will you go home?” the woman then asked.

“I don’t know.” The man replied.

He probably heard the woman’s voice, Gu Wang slowly raised his head, not knowing why.

“Why are you here?” He asked directly.

“I missed you, so I came here directly.” The woman replied.

He hates hearing this kind of answer the most, “Why do you want to shift the focus of your career?” the man continued to ask.

“Because of you, I want to be with you.” Dai Er answered directly.

What a simple answer, what a straightforward confession, but the man in front of him was indifferent.

“If it’s just because of this, then you’d better go, I advise you not to stay here.” Gu Wang said.

Drive her away again! He really hates himself all the time!

“I want to meet that Zhao Enuo.” Suddenly, Dai Er said.

Gu Wang immediately stopped the movement in his hand, stood up slowly, and looked at the woman in front of him seriously, “What do you want to do?”

“What are you so nervous about? What else can I do? I just want to be with her Just have a meal,” the woman replied.

I’m afraid, it’s not that simple, is it? Gu Wang walked towards her slowly, with a compelling appearance.

“Dai’er, we will solve the matter between the two of us by ourselves. I hope you don’t involve Zhao Enuo.” Is

he worried? It seems that Zhao Enuo is really his heart!

“Gu Wang, why don’t you worry about me?” Dai’er muttered, her expression a little disappointed.

What a joke, what is she worried about? A group of bodyguards followed all day long…

Gu Wang looked at the file in his hand and ignored her.

“Don’t you worry that I will be challenged by Zhao Enuo?” the woman asked directly.

This simply doesn’t exist!

What kind of person Zhao Enuo is, he knows best, she will not challenge anyone for no reason, let alone care about some unnecessary people!

Even if she knew about the affairs between herself and Dai’er, she would definitely not do anything to harm others and herself, but for this Dai’er, whether she would embarrass Zhao Enuo, it depends on the situation!

“Don’t worry, as long as you don’t trouble Zhao Enuo, she won’t take the initiative to come to you.” Gu Wang replied in a low voice.

Is he so confident? Dai’er sneered, somewhat questioning what the man said.

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