Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 2518

“It’s not delicious?” Dai Er shifted her gaze, staring at the Bobcat, and asked seriously, with a seriousness in her eyes.

It’s delicious!

The Lynx hesitated, but finally nodded.

“It’s just not to my taste.” He added.

Gu Wang looked at the brother in front of him and smiled slightly.

“Then what do you like to eat? I will do it next time…”

“No next time!” Before she could finish her words, Gu Wang interrupted her and said.

The air froze instantly.

“Dai’er, you don’t have to be like this, no matter how you give, my heart for Zhao Enuo will not change!” Gu Wang said firmly.

“Miss Dai’er, I think you may not understand your elder brother’s temper. Once he confirms it, he won’t change easily. Even if you come to deliver meals every day, it won’t help. You always pay attention to everything. You are just better than Zhao Yi. Nuo came a step later.” Lynx muttered quietly beside the woman.

This step is many years too late! Dai’er clenched her fists, her eyes a little angry.

Is it true that there is no turnaround at all? Or does she need to take more extreme measures? Delil hesitated.

She respects this man, but this does not mean that her patience with this man is unlimited!

“Gu Wang, my patience is limited, and I am also a principled person!” Dai Er finally couldn’t bear it and said loudly.

“It’s such a coincidence, I am also a principled person.” Gu Wang raised his head and replied coldly.

“Well, since you are so indifferent to me, then I don’t have to save you any face!” Then, the woman stepped on a pair of hateful “chuckles” and left the office.

The lynx on the sofa stood up suddenly, his expression a little nervous.

“Brother, is Dai Er going to do it?” Bobcat asked.

“Yes, go and protect Zhao Enuo!” Gu Wang said hurriedly.

Without any hesitation, the Bobcat ran out.

“Why, I stayed up late last night, and finally just fell asleep…” The woman on the bed murmured like a baby.

“Zhou Yang, get up quickly, go to the sister-in-law, something is going to happen!” Bobcat replied uncomfortably.

At this moment, Zhou Yang was completely awake, “Okay, I’ll be there right away!” She got out of bed and ran out in a panic, without even wearing her coat.

“What are you talking about, I’m not good.” On the phone, Zhao Enuo said in a low voice, with a calm tone.

“Sister-in-law, where are you now? I will look for you!” Zhou Yang asked loudly as he ran.

“I’m at home, Liangliang wants to eat wontons, I’m just getting ready.” Zhao Yinuo replied.

“Okay, go and lock the door, don’t let Dai’er go to your house…” After

that, Zhao Enuo felt inexplicable, “Zhou Yang, are you okay? Why are you talking about Dai’er coldly? She asked.

“Don’t worry, you quickly lock the door, except me and Bobcat, no matter who comes to you, don’t open the door!”

“Boom!” Suddenly, the door was kicked open.

Hearing the noise on the phone, Zhou Yang panicked. It was over, they had arrived.

“Who are you?” Zhao Enuo put down the phone, pointed at the men in front of him loudly, and asked.

“It’s me!” Dai Er appeared directly in front of her and replied bitterly.

“What are you doing here?” Zhao Yinuo continued to ask.

“Of course it’s for Gu Wang!” As she said, Dai’er waved her right hand, and several men behind directly stepped forward and tied Zhao Enuo up.

“What do you want to do?”

“Zhao Enuo, I originally wanted to deal with this problem in a peaceful way, but Gu Wang was so indifferent, which made me very chilling. Now, I am going to wrong you a bit!” With that said, Dai Er got into the car.

“Let go of me! Dai’er, you solve the matter between you and Gu Wang, what does it have to do with me!” Zhao Enuo roared in the car.

“If it weren’t for you, how could Gu Wang refuse me to treat him well!” Dai’er roared.

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