Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 841

Mengbao listened to Gu Chi’s answer to himself, so he took the personnel file and looked at it carefully.

About forty minutes later, Gu Chi heard a knock on the door.

Cheng Kexin also took advantage of the situation. Meng Bao seemed to have read the personnel files, lying on the sofa and closing his eyes, only opened his eyes when he heard the knock on the door.

“Master, this is a bad review of the company, and the data files are sorted out and placed here.” Before Yang Zuo came up, he also took a look at the bad reviews above.

I couldn’t help but praise, these people even started scolding Gu Chi in order to get a promotion and raise their salary.

But that’s right, the company is already like this now, so even if he scolded Gu Chi, the result he got was nothing more than being fired.

They don’t care about it either.

Mengbao ran over to look at the files they wrote down with Gu Chi and Cheng Kexin. Although Mengbao didn’t know many words, Gu Chi simply read the contents of the files.

In order to let the illiterate Mengbao listen to it.

Gu Chi and the others looked at the negative comments on the company, and the black line slipped on their heads.

“You are not allowed to call your boyfriend at work, bad reviews. You are not allowed to take express delivery, bad reviews. You are not allowed to visit Taobao at work, bad reviews.”

“You can’t go to work and go to the toilet for too long, bad reviews. The company’s president is too handsome, causing the company’s female employees to gossip and bad reviews every day.”

“The president of the company took a daughter-in-law, which made me feel depressed and didn’t want to work.”


Gu Chi read out this pile of response books. It’s really better if you don’t know what to say.

None of these have their own stipulations, but are stipulated by the ministers of various departments.

And Gu Chi didn’t know what was in it enough to make them complain.

Gu Chi lowered his head and continued to watch their remarks. Most of them had some speechless reasons.

Just when Gu Chi decided not to read it, his eyes rolled over a document that had been written a lot.

“First of all, the internal staff of the company are not united, they bully the weak and spread rumors. Second, the company does not care enough about our subordinates, which causes the company’s employees to chill.”

Seeing this, Gu Chi carefully reflected on his various behaviors in the company, and indeed he did not care about the employees.

But as for the disharmony of the company’s employees and bullying the weak, how could Gu Chi, as a senior, know this?

Gu Chi continued to look at it again, and found that the employee’s words were offensive but there were big truths, and he couldn’t help but enter into reflection.

“Now that we have found the key points of the matter, let’s start to look into this matter.” Cheng Kexin looked at this a4 paper full of words, and felt that this paper could bring them great rewards.

“Dad, what department does this person have?” Meng Bao, who had always been talking, asked Gu Chi.

“Marketing Department.” Gu Chi answered, then looked at Mengbao.

Gu Chi thought about what Mengbao might do, and Yu You watched Mengbao find out his personal personnel file from the sofa.

For that person, there are people from the marketing department. Looks very simple and honest, and the conditions at home are not very good.

“Dad, you said this person, maybe there is someone they often bully!” Meng Bao guessed in his heart, but there was still not certain to ask Gu Chi.

After all, Mengbao has never been in the workplace, so there are some things you have to ask Gu Chi.

Gu Chi looked at the personnel file in front of him, and Zheng Bi had his name.

Gu Chizhen has heard of these people. Of course, with so many people in the company, he has never heard of normal things.

“Then we will go to the marketing department to ask.” Gu Chi looked at Mengbao and planned to take Mengbao with him.

Cheng Kexin stayed in the office, waiting for their return.

After all, this was discovered by Mengbao, and Gu Chi had already regarded Mengbao as a villain who could help him.

Gu Chi is not in a hurry to go to the doctor, and having Mengbao is really this ability.

“Everyone, stop, I want to ask a person’s impression in everyone’s mind.” Gu Chi walked to the marketing department and asked everyone to stop their work.

And watching Gu Chi personally came to the marketing department, everyone was mostly happy and excited. The girls in the marketing department are more fierce.

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