Nothing Matters, except YOU & ME

Chapter: 544

Stepping on the glass road makes people feel like they are in the air. The stars on both sides of the road are shining. Seeing the childlike expectations in Lin Musheng’s eyes, his eyes sparkled, and the flames in his eyes jumped.

When you encounter something you like, you will show your childlike innocence, and Liu Qian is even a little envious. Liu Qian hasn’t felt this way for a long time. She has a vague definition of what she likes. What is claimed to the outside world is always the same, insisting that you want to be a successful businessman, but is that really like it?

Do you feel like walking in space? Lin Musheng asked Liu Qian sideways.

Liu Qian smiled and nodded. Lin Musheng’s eyes were shining with stars. How could he be willing to dim the stars in his eyes? Liu Qian respected the preferences of others. People with dreams are worthy of being respected. Liu Qian has gradually forgotten her original dream. When she was very young, she didn’t want to be a businessman full of copper stinks.

Look at the top, eight planets. Lin Musheng gently touched Liu Qian with his hand, reminding Liu Qian.

Liu Qian raised his head and saw the projections of the eight planets on it. It seemed that this passage was not an ordinary passage. Using the most common techniques from the beginning, people feel like being on the scene at once, and the more you walk inside, the more you can feel the magic.

Surreal experience, interesting. Liu Qian said indifferently, as a kind of affirmation.

The passage was not long, and the two of them spent more time than usual, and Lin Musheng would point out the projections above one by one. When they were about to end, they had replaced the holographic projection, and a spaceship floated on their heads.

Lin Musheng even stretched out his hand, trying to touch this seemingly real spaceship. Liu Qian looked at Lin Musheng and felt that today’s Lin Musheng was extraordinarily cute.

Let’s open this mysterious door. At the end of the passage, two women in space suits appeared out of thin air, and they said in unison.

Liu Qian was also a little surprised. It seemed that this surreal experience was much better than expected, and Lin Musheng looked quite excited. Even Lin Musheng directly led Liu Qian, who had originally planned to break away, but the innocent smile at the corner of Lin Musheng’s mouth made her hesitate.

Lin Musheng held Liu Qian tightly, and he raised his free hand to open the door, but this was an induction door. Before Lin Musheng reached out his hand, the door opened automatically, just like in the movie.

Lifting his foot directly in, Liu Qian was curious, and Lin Musheng was exploring and learning. The scene in front of me is truly spectacular. It simulates a spaceship scene. This is not a holographic projection. It is a real object.

Lin Musheng stretched out his hand to touch it. At this moment, they seemed to be in space, with the big screen on the spaceship directly in front of them. The outside situation could be seen clearly through the screen, Liu Qian and Lin Musheng looked at each other, and the people walking around were expressionless.

After observation by Liu Qian and Lin Musheng, these people should be simulants, not real humans. Lin Musheng was very curious whether these sims had the ability to talk to people, so Lin Musheng took Liu Qian and walked directly to the captain.

Hello, Captain. Lin Musheng took the initiative to greet the captain.

The captain was sitting right in the middle and looked defiant. Lin Musheng looked at Liu Qian, and he wanted to try again, even though it seemed a bit mentally retarded.

Captain, can you understand me? Lin Musheng must figure out that, otherwise there will be a knot in his heart.

Sir, please be quiet, I am concentrating on directing my team. The captain said, making Liu Qian and Lin Musheng a little surprised. It seems that these sims can talk to people.

Sorry, Captain, I have a lot of questions…

Before Lin Musheng finished speaking, the captain interrupted Lin Musheng directly, “Sir, please wait a moment, I am very busy now.”

Lin Musheng stopped making a sound. He turned to look at the big screen. The spacecraft was moving smoothly. In this situation, it seems that the captain does not need to personally command, and there is no critical situation, everyone is in their respective positions.

He whispered to Liu Qian, “It seems that the captain doesn’t want to pay attention to us.” Lin Musheng said while taking a peek at the movements of the captain’s hand.

Maybe you are too annoying. Liu Qian said jokingly, she felt that it was better to study all this quietly.

Probably the designer originally designed the program. Lin Musheng wanted to save a bit of face. The technology of simulating humans is currently immature, and it is impossible to communicate naturally and smoothly with ordinary people.

Liu Qian smiled. Today, her smile is particularly gentle, because Lin Musheng behaves like a high school student, even the corners of his eyebrows are missing the usual Ling Ling.

Mr. Lin and Ms. Liu, please sit down where you belong. A voice suddenly came, and you would know them. Is the Simulator already such a high-level?

The two followed their reputations and saw a half-human-tall robot, a robot similar to a child’s body. He looked very cute, he was approaching here, and soon he stood in front of Liu Qian and Lin Musheng.

Mr. Lin and Ms. Liu, the spacecraft is about to fly faster than the speed of light, please sit down in your place. As he said, he pointed to the two empty chairs in the front right.

Liu Qian and Lin Musheng looked at each other, and then he obeyed the robot’s advice. The two came to their place and sat down one after another.

As soon as they were seated, the chair turned on the automatic mode, and a safety belt appeared automatically to buckle them tightly. They seem to be in a big Hollywood special effects movie, everything in front of them is so real and so illusory.

They heard the captain’s voice, and the captain was commanding the spaceship in an orderly manner. Lin Musheng grabbed Liu Qian’s hand and looked sideways at Liu Qian, with a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth.

We are going to stay away from the earth and go to other planets. I am very satisfied to be with you. Lin Musheng said into the play.

Liu Qian blinked, thinking that Lin Musheng’s appearance was really interesting. After a while, Liu Qian nodded slightly.

Let’s colonize other planets together. The smile of Liu Qian’s mouth rippled, expanding in circles.

Lin Musheng laughed, “What a colony, come, let us build a colony in outer space.” Then he continued with Liu Qian’s words.

The two of them had a great time playing, forgetting the bumps, the discomfort of flying at extreme speeds. They haven’t felt the detachment of gravity just now, and they can be regarded as aftertaste for a while, and the sense of weightlessness can be truly felt even when sitting on a chair.

Liu Qian held Lin Musheng’s hand tightly, and the scene became more and more real, as if she and Lin Musheng were really experiencing an outer space trip at this moment.

No loss is a surreal experience, step by step to disintegrate your realistic feelings, let you step into the play step by step, and finally be on the scene. Liu Qian was a little uncomfortable, her head was a little dizzy, and she couldn’t think normally.

The robot didn’t know where it came out. He intimately handed Liu Qian a pill. Liu Qian looked at the robot and then at Lin Musheng.

Lin Musheng nodded to Liu Qian, Liu Qian hesitantly took the medicine, and the robot said in a cute boy voice: “Ms. Liu, it will ease your discomfort.” I don’t know how the robot found out. Liu Qian’s discomfort.

Is it really edible? Liu Qian asked suspiciously. This kind of place will also have medicine specially prepared, not to mention that the medicine in his hand looks like a chocolate bean.

Don’t worry, it won’t do any harm to your body. Lin Musheng persuaded Liu Qian, but he looked trusting.

Liu Qian put it in his mouth, and even the taste was a bit like chocolate beans, not bitter and slightly sweet. After swallowing this medicine, Liu Qian felt better, and didn’t know whether it was psychological or other reasons.

The efficacy of the drug will reach its peak in ten minutes, and it will quickly relieve all your discomfort symptoms. The robot patted its stomach, and then a clock-like thing jumped out of its stomach, counting down on it.

Liu Qian didn’t understand the current development of science and technology. Liu Qian didn’t read many books about popular science. It’s just a bit of a surprise. Now that the robotics technology has developed to such an advanced level, and the sims in front of me, they look really good. Maybe the lights are dim. At first glance, it’s hard to distinguish between the sims and the real ones.

The spacecraft was still moving at faster than the speed of light, and Liu Qian, who had taken the medicine, was recovering. Lin Musheng didn’t look abnormal. It seemed that Lin Musheng’s body was really good, which made Liu Qian a little envious.

There is still a difference between a woman’s body and a man’s. In this way, Liu Qian can’t beat Lin Musheng in physical strength. Lin Musheng looked at Liu Qian with concern.

I’m much better. Don’t keep looking at me and watch the screen. Liu Qian said with a smile. Lin Musheng looked really unusual today, like a little suffering, so Liu Qian couldn’t bear to be harsh to him. .

The pictures displayed on the screen are extraordinarily real, and the situation of outer space can be understood through the screen, so it seems that outer space is indeed very attractive.

After this surreal experience, Liu Qian felt that he might fall in love with this mysterious space world. Lin Musheng beside him was always in a state of excitement, like a hot-blooded hairy boy.

You see how amazing and wonderful the universe is! Lin Musheng said with a sigh. He had imagined outer space before, and what he saw today did not disappoint him.

Slow down. The captain delivered an instruction.

The spacecraft slowed down and the sense of weightlessness improved a lot. Liu Qian and Lin Musheng stared at the screen. A beautiful planet appeared on the screen and attracted their attention. Liu Qian grabbed Lin Musheng’s hand and asked curiously: “What planet is this? It looks like the earth.”

Kepler-452b. Lin Musheng replied. The similarity index between this planet and the earth is as high as 0.98.

Are we going to land on this beautiful planet? Liu Qian asked curiously. Traveling in the universe can still be simulated. How to simulate landing on an alien planet, Liu Qian was faintly looking forward to it.

Ms. Liu, the captain will give you a good answer to this question. The robot will also rush to answer, and Liu Qian was amused by the robot’s funny tone.

At this time, they saw the captain coming down from the command chair, and the captain walking towards them step by step. Both Liu Qian and Lin Musheng were a little nervous, and it seemed that the captain had extra time to solve their puzzles.

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