Nothing Matters, except YOU & ME

Chapter: 588

Come to Qing Mu Shu, you can also encounter this kind of thing, Lin Musheng can’t recall the appearance of that woman at all. Such a plain girl, will it really be what Liu Qian said?

Seeing the doubt in Lin Musheng’s eyes, it seemed that Lin Musheng was very skeptical of what she said, and Liu Qian didn’t want to explain it to Lin Musheng any more, so it became clear afterwards that he met.

I saw Fairy Tale”.” Lin Musheng pointed to the book on the shelf and said, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Liu Qian only took care of the previous things, and didn’t have the book at hand.

Lin Musheng picked up the book first. He raised the book and looked in a good mood. He didn’t take the previous things to heart at all.

Bring it. Liu Qian stretched out his hand, and Lin Musheng read the book by himself without handing it over. This is not good.

Let me take a look first. Lin Musheng has only heard of this book, and hasn’t really read the content yet.

This interrupted Liu Qian’s reading, and wanted to read this book all the time, but Lin Musheng got listed first, which made Liu Qian a little anxious.

Lin Musheng was just teasing Liu Qian. He didn’t have the slightest interest in fairy tale books. Seeing that Liu Qian was already showing an uncomfortable expression, Lin Musheng quickly handed the book to Liu Qian.

He said that he should bring Liu Qian to read the book. He couldn’t sweep Liu Qian’s interest. Liu Qian’s face improved a little when he got the book. This is very annoying for Lin Musheng. Obviously the unhappiness between them can be avoided, but Lin Musheng is going to set Liu Qian’s bottom line. As a result, there is no benefit except to make Liu Qian unhappy.

They looked for a secluded place, the book bar was empty, it was not during holidays, and the Aoki Book Bar was not popular at all, it was clear that it was a bustling shopping mall outside.

The soundproofing effect of the Aoki Book Bar is very good. The only sound source here is probably from the door. There are a few people sitting sporadically, all reading books carefully. It seems that coming here at this time is really for reading, and there are not many people who can calm down and read.

Appreciating the appearance of Liu Qian reading, she occasionally frowned slightly, this is the trait Liu Qian put in. Lin Musheng loved Liu Qian’s slightly frowning appearance, as if the plot in the book could affect her emotions.

Shallow. Lin Musheng yelled in a gentle voice, which was full of affectionate voices over and over again.

Liu Qian raised his head and blinked at Lin Musheng. The eyes that had been staring at the book were a little uncomfortable. Lin Musheng would rarely see Liu Qian like this, and wanted to reach out to touch Liu Qian, but was afraid that Liu Qian would hate him, so he suppressed this impulse.

Are you here not to read? Liu Qian glanced at Lin Musheng contemptuously, feeling that he had been caught up in Lin Musheng’s routine again.

It’s enough to look at you. Lin Musheng was like an idiot, and Liu Qian knew that Lin Musheng was unpredictable and regretted that he came here directly with Lin Musheng like this.

There was a good smell in the room, and Liu Qian continued to read without paying attention to Lin Musheng. It was really quite different from the Lin Musheng in his own memory. From this point of view, Lin Musheng might as well be stabbed a bit, better than looking weird now.

Lin Musheng, you are getting more and more weird. Liu Qian lowered his head to read the book, did not even look at Lin Musheng, so he said straightforwardly.

You don’t like who I am now? Lin Musheng has suppressed the bad side of his personality, but Liu Qian felt strange that women are too troublesome!

Don’t bother me reading. Liu Qian should not continue discussing this issue with Lin Musheng, as the place to read the book will become dull.

Although Aoki Book Bar is full of strong commercial atmosphere, it is already doing a little better than other book bars. It is okay to read a book quietly here.

Lin Musheng didn’t know what supported him to persevere for this difficult lord. When Liu Qian could learn to be gentle with Lin Musheng, it was probably then that Liu Qian regarded Lin Musheng to his heart.

Seeing that Liu Qian stopped looking at himself, Lin Musheng decided to look for a book to read it, otherwise his gaze could not be taken away from Liu Qian.

As soon as Lin Musheng had free time recently, Liu Qian’s head was filled. This state has been going on for a long time, and he doesn’t know what will become in the future.

But at this moment, his eyes locked on Lin Musheng, as long as Lin Musheng and Liu Qian appeared together, those eyes had been inadvertently looking at Lin Musheng.

Lin Musheng was ignorant and unconscious, even the sensitive Liu Qian did not notice that there was no trace of what the person did, and there was an upright identity to cover up.

Lin Musheng was not very interested in the books on the shelf. The book that Lin Musheng had read completely during this period seemed to be the work of Liu Qian.

As a result, Lin Musheng picked up a humble comic book, and when Lin Musheng sat opposite Liu Qian, Liu Qian looked surprised.

This is a children’s comic book, your childlike innocence? Liu Qian felt that Lin Musheng did not play cards according to common sense, and why did he always do some strange things.

As everyone knows, Lin Musheng would do this entirely to attract Liu Qian’s attention, and as expected, Liu Qian really took the initiative to speak to him.

You and I are each other. Lin Musheng continued to look at the childlike comic book in his hand, looking for fun in it.

Liu Qian wanted to argue for himself, but after thinking about it, he realized that he couldn’t catch Lin Musheng’s tricks. Liu Qian basically figured out Lin Musheng’s routine.

Those outrageous behaviors are probably to attract Liu Qian’s attention, so Liu Qian intends to continue reading his book, ignore Lin Musheng, and let Lin Musheng entertain himself!

Liu Qian read books very fast, and soon after half of the book was finished, she felt that someone was reading them. Liu Qian raised her head and glanced around. She didn’t find who was peeping. She was sure that it was not an illusion.

The children’s cartoon picture book was finished soon, and Lin Musheng was bored. On the other side, Liu Qian seemed to smell something discordant, and immediately turned into a detective, with a vigilant expression on his face, as if terrorists were mixed in the crowd.

Cough cough cough… Lin Musheng coughed and caught Liu Qian’s attention.

Did you find anything unusual? Liu Qian asked mysteriously.

No. Together with Liu Qian, Liu Qian is satisfied with everything, no matter how he noticed the surrounding situation.

Why does it feel that Lin Musheng is getting stupid? Liu Qian wants to ask other people if this is her illusion.

Let’s go out now. Liu Qian don’t stay here, she feels dangerous here, this strong feeling makes her very uneasy.

Good. Lin Musheng responded.

When checking out at the front desk, Liu Qian stared deeply at the little girl at the front desk. But the little girl didn’t look at Lin Musheng the whole time, she kept looking at Liu Qianxiao, that kind of laugh was actually creepy.

There is definitely a problem, Liu Qian can basically be sure that the girl in front of him is for Lin Musheng, deliberately avoiding or even looking directly at Lin Musheng, this is a bit deliberate.

Even the strange look in his eyes just now, Liu Qian wondered whether it came from this girl, and in short, he became more and more curious about this girl, and even wanted to know her true identity earlier.

After leaving, Lin Musheng also felt a difference. Liu Qian stared at each other so straightforwardly, wouldn’t it be bad? It was even more strange that the girl was treated safely, after all, she was treated with that kind of eyes by Liu Qian.

You seem to be full of hostility towards her? Lin Musheng asked tentatively, he was not sure what exactly Liu Qian’s eyes meant.

You should put it another way. She is hostile to me. Just now Liu Qian was finally sure that the little girl was hostile to her, even though Liu Qian didn’t understand the reason.

Are you jealous of your beauty? Lin Musheng said jokingly.

Maybe it’s my competitor. Liu Qian couldn’t think of a better explanation. After all, Liu Qian is now in B city, and almost all the people in the mall know Liu Qian.

It’s interesting. Lin Musheng admired the little girl a little bit now, and was bold enough to challenge Liu Qian. It seemed that the little girl really hid it.

I guess she just returned from studying abroad. Liu Qian had never seen this person before, so this guess is reasonable.

Returnees are not easy to provoke. Lin Musheng received casually, and Liu Qian glared at him. Lin Musheng was mocking Liu Qian.

Then, what are your plans next? If you want to know her details, I can find out for you. Lin Musheng offered himself, and he was naturally active if he could help Liu Qian.

No, I know it in advance, the next time I meet will be a bit less exciting. Liu Qian was not in a hurry to reveal the answer for the time being. It was an exciting thing to meet an opponent.

It must not be a blessing to be your opponent. Lin Musheng also said this to himself. Liu Qian never treats his opponents softly, I am afraid that one day they will stand on the opposite side.

Becoming your opponent is even more terrifying. Liu Qian seemed to understand Lin Musheng’s implication, and she didn’t want to have a hostile day with Lin Musheng.

The phone rang untimely, it was Leo’s call, and Liu Qian quickly connected it. In contrast, Lin Musheng’s position in Liu Qian’s mind was not as good as Leo.

Every time Lin Musheng called Liu Qian, it took a while before Liu Qian was connected. This difference in treatment was really chilling.

Okay, I’ll go over now. Liu Qian said to Leo on the phone, it seems that something is in a hurry.

I’ll send you there. Lin Musheng didn’t ask Liu Qian exactly what was going on. He was still so procrastinated at this time, which would only make Liu Qian bored.

After almost understanding Liu Qian’s psychology, Lin Musheng felt that it was not easy for him either. This was definitely a result of practice. What’s wrong with Liu Qian in the future, Lin Musheng is gradually digging, and now Lin Musheng tries his best to do what he likes.

Half an hour to Beiguang Avenue.

At this time, there should be no traffic jams on the road, but there is still a long way to go to Beiguang Avenue, which is a bit difficult for half an hour.

Okay. Lin Musheng believed in his driving skills, and since Liu Qian had asked, of course he had to meet it.

I hope that all the way will be smooth, otherwise Lin Musheng can only speed up!

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