Nothing Matters, except YOU & ME

Chapter: 706

Putting on her coat, Liu Qian quietly got down from the bed. She stood in front of the window and looked at the moon in the sky. Please search (web) on Baidu. The moon tonight is so round and round. Even the face of Lin Musheng will be printed on the moon.

Lin Musheng seems to be everywhere, Liu Qian is about to be driven crazy by this illusion, she obviously has more important things to do, why should she care about her children’s personal love.

Even Liu Qian once thought that Lin Musheng’s face was so good-looking, better-looking than any man he had ever seen, the kind that made her beloved.

After leaving, I felt my love deeply. At this moment, Lin Musheng was also thinking of her, and if they broke off like this, would it be the best ending?

When I returned to bed again, it was already two o’clock in the morning, and I had to get up and drive early tomorrow. I heard that there is a very good doctor in this city who has the ability to rejuvenate.

This is the disappearance that Liu Qian asked about. Sometimes when he is disappointed with Western medicine, people will place their hopes on Chinese medicine. Liu Qian didn’t know what kind of skills the famous doctor in the legend had, but maybe he could really give Liu Qianwen hope for life.

Liu Qian opened her eyes early in the morning. She couldn’t sleep at ease, and Leo was still asleep. During this time, Leo also didn’t rest well. It’s a good thing to be able to rest well.

Liu Qian just waited for Leo to wake up, and specially ordered the hotel to prepare a rich breakfast. He checked that it was almost eight o’clock and gave Leo another hour of sleep.

At nine o’clock, the hotel waiter knocked on the door on time, and they had delivered the prepared breakfast. Liu Qian got off the bed and opened the door for the waiter, while Leo was still asleep.

The waiter pushed the breakfast in and left straight away. Liu Qian looked at the breakfast and didn’t have any appetite, but Leo was a big appetite, and I believed he could solve it.

Liu Qian walked to Leo’s bed, she stretched out her hand to push Leo, “Get up.” Liu Qian’s voice was cold and could not hear any emotional ups and downs.

Huh? Leo was dazed, only hearing a familiar voice.

Get up. Liu Qian increased the decibel, and at the same time he used his hands harder.

Huh? Leo couldn’t wake up at all when there were some tones from Leo’s mouth.

Leo is not early, it’s time to get up. Liu Qian was a little impatient, but after three things, Leo won’t get up again, she will be rude.

Sure enough, Leo still didn’t wake up. Sure enough, in this gentle way, he couldn’t wake up Leo at all, so Liu Qian would not continue to be polite.

Directly pinching Leo’s nose, Liu Qian saw that Leo couldn’t get up. She saw Leo open her mouth and breathe through her mouth. Then the eyelashes quivered, and Liu Qian said in a gloomy voice, “Leo, get me out.”

Leo opened his eyes all at once. He looked up at Liu Qian and didn’t figure out where he was for a while? It took a while to wake up.

He gasped in his mouth, and he said to Liu Qian dissatisfiedly, “You will break my nose.” Liu Qian’s hands are getting harder and harder, and Leo is miserable.

If you can’t wake you up, I have to use violence. Liu Qianpi said with a smile.

Then he slowly let go of Leo’s nose. At this time, Leo’s nose was already red, and Liu Qian couldn’t help but chuckle. It was so funny.

Morning! Leo said to Liu Qian crying.

The aggrieved Leo made Liu Qian’s mood a lot better, so Leo is really Liu Qian’s pistachio.

Senior sister, you are too rude. No man wants you like this. Leo touched his nose. He was so wronged that he would be abused by Liu Qian every day.

Really? Liu Qian said contemptuously.

Senior sister, what time is it? Leo rubbed his eyes and asked harmlessly.

Don’t you watch it for yourself? Liu Qian turned around, now that Leo is awake, she doesn’t bother to talk to him again.

Leo grabbed the watch next to him, unexpectedly it was already past nine o’clock, no wonder it was already bright outside the window. Leo really slept a bit too much this time. He vowed to get up early yesterday and slapped his face.

Sorry, senior sister, I overslept. Leo grabbed the back of his head apologetically, extricating himself from the appearance of a schoolboy who made a mistake.

Come over for dinner, don’t continue to waste time. Liu Qian has finished washing, and even has light makeup.

Hey, the elder sister really loves me and ordered me so many delicious foods. Leo smirked as he got up from the bed.

Come here, don’t talk nonsense. Liu Qian looked disgusted, and Leo was used to it.

Leo walked over quickly, and he saw that there were all things he liked to eat on the table, and Liu Qian was a hard-mouthed guy.

Senior sister, you are refreshed today, and you seem to be in a good mood! Leo praised Liu Qian sweetly. Recently, their moods are so bad that they need to inject a little vitality.

Liu Qian didn’t bother to pay attention to Leo, her dark circles would scare people to death. If it weren’t for the powerful concealer, she must be haggard now.

Senior sister, be happy. Leo worried that Liu Qian was still thinking about Lin Musheng, so he quickly persuaded Liu Qian, he only hoped that Liu Qian would not be so frowning when he was with him.

Do I look unhappy? Liu Qian asked back.

Yeah. Leo even nodded.

Liu Qian glanced at Leo coldly, she wanted to press Leo’s handsome face on the table. Leo felt the murderous look in Liu Qian’s eyes, and he immediately changed his words, “No, the senior sister seems to be in a very good mood.”

Hey. Liu Qian let out a contemptuous voice. Leo has become more and more capable of observing words recently, and he can’t find a reason to “fight against Leo.”

Well, senior sister, don’t you always look like this, you make people so careful and ploppy. Leo squeezed his throat and started acting like a baby, making Liu Qian feel sick.

It’s better for you to be normal. Liu Qian’s tone was threatening.

Hehe, are you a little happier? Leo asked obediently.

No. Liu Qian simply didn’t want to ignore this guy.

For breakfast, Liu Qian ate very little. Leo knew that Liu Qian had lost a lot of weight recently. He wanted to persuade Liu Qian to eat more.

But when he opened his mouth, it turned into a frivolous tone, “Senior Sister, eat more, or you won’t be able to see your breasts.” Leo regretted it as soon as he finished speaking, and he seemed to provoke Liu Qian again.

It’s really not as good as your chest. Liu Qianruo glanced at Leo’s chest seemingly.

Leo has developed chest muscles and occupies a racial advantage. It can also be said that the limbs are well developed.

I saw Leo hugged his chest and looked at Liu Qian defensively, “Don’t covet my figure.” Like a female pervert.

No interest, I don’t like men with bigger breasts. Liu Qian said disdainfully.

Interacting with Leo every day will make her feel how interesting life is.

I’m full. Leo looked at Liu Qian unhappy, and when Liu Qian said this, he was immediately unhappy.

Then let’s go. Liu Qian looked at Leo with a faint smile, now Leo is a coolie in her eyes, of course she wants to make the best use of everything.

I’m full, don’t you want to take a break? Leo is used to lying down for a while when he is full, so that his life will be more enjoyable.

If you’re full, you won’t be able to rest. You will grow meat. Liu Qian showed her white teeth, looking like a charming vampire.

Leo had to follow Liu Qian dejectedly. They were going to a remote place. That famous doctor would really pick a place.

On the road, Leo became Liu Qian’s driver, but this couldn’t stop Leo’s mouth, he kept talking to Liu Qian. Liu Qian couldn’t wait to put cotton in her ears, she really didn’t want to hear Leo’s nonsense.

You said this old Chinese doctor is really weird. The chief physician in the big city doesn’t do it, so he has to go to a poor mountain and bad river. Leo said dissatisfiedly. It is not easy to find the legendary doctor.

The hanging pot helps the world. Liu Qian spit out four words coldly.

It’s all ages, hanging the pot to help the world. Leo clearly didn’t believe it. This thought, at the front of the line, he didn’t see any good people, let alone a saint.

Don’t look at others by your own standards. Everyone has different pursuits. Liu Qian said in an educational tone. She admired this famous doctor.

It’s just that Liu Qian hasn’t seen the famous doctor himself, and he doesn’t know if he is trying to win his reputation, or if he is really hanging out. In short, Liu Qian had good hopes, she didn’t want to go for a trip for nothing, and wasted time in vain.

Senior Sister, you have changed, you are too human now. Leo vomited.

Since Liu Qian returned to city b, she has been changing almost every day, and she is no longer the same as the goddess of high cold in the school. Liu Qian, who has become more and more grounded, is farther and farther away from the role of businessman.

Isn’t this a good thing? Liu Qian asked back. She liked the way she is now. Humanity is better than animality.

For a businessman, this is not a good thing. Leo winked at Liu Qian.

There are also many conscientious businessmen. There is no need to set a framework for businessmen. Liu Qian now has a new understanding of businessmen, and there is no need to always force himself to become the standard appearance in people’s eyes.

In the process of capital accumulation, businessmen always have to sacrifice the interests of some people. A conscientious businessperson will be condemned by conscience. It is better to be a heartless businessperson. Leo does not agree with Liu Qian, he has not reached it now. Liu Qian’s realm.

Then try to avoid it, let most people benefit as much as possible, and give back to the society as much as possible. Liu Qianzheng’s retort was bursting with energy. She didn’t think that such a businessman could not succeed.

Senior sister, your mental realm is very high! Yes, I wish you a successful businessman with a conscience in the future. Listening to Liu Qian’s words, Leo was embarrassed to continue to complain.

Liu Qian found a new goal, Leo was happier than anyone else, but he clearly remembered that a few days ago, Liu Qian was still wondering whether he was suitable for being a businessman.

Now that Liu Qian has found the answer, it is really an incredible good thing! Leo hopes that Liu Qian can work hard in this direction, otherwise he will be shaken again, because the mental journey involved is too torturous.

Turn right and look at the road. Liu Qian hurriedly reminded Leo. The corners of her mouth raised slightly. She knew that Leo would unconditionally support her decision. This feeling was great.

What kind of road is this, it’s too broken! I didn’t expect you here, there is such a mountain trail, I had known that I would directly drive an off-road vehicle over. Leo still couldn’t stop his complaining.

The mountain path is also very pleasant. You just complain, can’t you appreciate the roadside scenery? Liu Qian said philosophically like a wise man.

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