Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2587

After the official wedding banquet, Didi’s advertisements were all over Shanghai and Kyoto.

Everyone seemed to have a premonition of an approaching storm. The difference was that on the eve of the storm, the air was filled with humid water vapor, and what filled the air at this moment was the dominance of Pintuan as the king of life services. .

At the same moment when the advertisement started, the Jiang family’s family banquet and thank you banquet also officially started.

This is a private banquet after the wedding banquet. The family banquet is for relatives with the same surname in the clan, while the thank you banquet is for the family members, groomsmen, bridesmaids and those who have been busy for more than half a month.

For example, Guo Zihang and Yang Shuan, the two venue managers, and Qin Ziang, the illegitimate nephew who is not in charge.

In addition, there is also a group of bridesmaids represented by Gao Wenhui, Sunai, and Tan Qing, and a group of groomsmen represented by Master Cao.

Considering that the little rich woman was pregnant and standing and walking around for too long was not good for her health, both banquets were arranged for the next day.

At this time, the little rich woman had changed out of her wedding dress into a red dress, wearing a pair of crystal earrings. Holding a wine bottle, she followed Jiang Qin around the wine tables, and then poured wine into the wine glasses one by one.

She has a lot of experience in pouring wine, and every time she pours it, she pours it quickly and well, without spilling a drop, which makes Jiang Qin squint.

This was all done because you wanted to get me drunk and blabber, right?

Feng Nanshu noticed Jiang Qin’s thoughts, thought for a moment, and then “accidentally” fell into his hand.


“In fact, technology is not good”

After Feng Nanshu poured it out, she raised her little face and looked at Jiang Qin, with a cute and innocent expression, and her eyes were clear and soft.

Jiang Qin couldn’t help but pursed his lips: “Little rich woman, your acting skills have declined after you got married.”

“I don’t know what my husband is talking about.”

“Huh? Call me again.”

“Husband.” Feng Nanshu bit her pink lips lightly.

She discovered that her brother really liked hearing him call her husband, but he had not been allowed to do so for four years in college.

But she was smart, and since her freshman year, she had been secretly calling Gao Wenhui her husband when chatting with him.

“Let’s go to the next table.”

Jiang Qin raised the corners of his mouth, like a fool who was being coaxed, and then walked to the next table to toast.

Sitting at this table were the clan men who helped write the invitations. He needed to toast six times in a row and bow three times.

In addition to the wedding ceremony, Jiang Zhenghong and Yuan Youqin also bowed and toasted as the host family ceremony.

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