Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2610

Good guy, for a daughter slave like Jiang Qin, marrying his little rich woman would be even more uncomfortable than killing him.

He was going to be an old man, but he didn’t want to see a will-o’-the-wisp hanging downstairs and asked if it was safe.

In the evening, the light rain continued and the coolness gradually deepened. The green plants in the Pintuan Industrial Park were watered and turned as green as emeralds, and the air was full of freshness.

Jiang Qin got into the car and was driven back to Shanti Villa by the driver.

Uncle Gong was sitting on the eaves in front of the villa. There was a coffee table next to him, drinking West Lake Longjing, and holding a copy of “The Peerless Nanny Comes to the World” in his hand.

In recent years, the online literature industry has developed rapidly, and Uncle Gong can always find excellent works suitable for different stages.

Yes, he retired.

On the one hand, it’s because she’s older and her eyesight isn’t very good. The eldest lady is pregnant and needs to be more careful when traveling. Young drivers are always better at adapting to situations than he is.

And in his opinion, when the second master handed the young lady’s hand to the uncle at the Moon Lake Villa in Jeju, his mission was completed.

Jiang Qin supported him as an elder, and he belonged to the housekeeper in name, but in fact he didn’t need to take care of anything. He was just taking care of him until his old age.

“Uncle is back?”

“came back.”

“Miss, I have been missing you for several days.”

“I went on a business trip to Linchuan. I just arrived in Shanghai today. You have tea while I go in to find her.”

Jiang Qin stepped into the villa and found that the hired medical team was testing the blood sugar of his Mrs. Jiang.

Blood sugar can easily rise during pregnancy, so the little rich woman has been strictly prohibited from eating sweets for a long time. She also knows that this is necessary, but the nature of sweet girls makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

At that time, Feng Nanshu was sitting on the sofa wearing a maternity skirt, with her bare white feet, watching TV with a calm expression.

“Mr. Jiang, are you back?”

“Well, how’s it going?”

“Within the normal range, don’t worry too much, just ensure regular diet and nutritional intake.”

Hearing the big bear’s voice ringing in her ears, the little rich woman immediately raised her head, feeling silly that a lollipop could be defrauded. After the test, she stuck to it.

Pregnant women have a relatively low sense of security. After Jiang Qin went to Linchuan for three days, Feng Nanshu was a little bit distraught.

Her little emotions have always been for Jiang Qin, so only Jiang Qin can coax her well.

Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini lived here to accompany her during this period. Although they made her laugh, in fact they missed her at all.

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