Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2612

“They knew you were coming back in the afternoon, so they went to the bar to hunt for girls. Wenhui wanted to fall in love a little bit. I asked her to go to the library, saying that she could… meet handsome guys there, but she didn’t believe me.”

As the sky gradually darkened, the light rain in Shanghai gradually stopped.

Yuan Youqin took the nanny Aunt Zhou back to Shanti Villa from the maternity training center.

At this time, Mr. Xianhui’s car also drove to the door, delivering a batch of fresh organic vegetables, which were specially supplied by the proprietress.

The two of them took the boxes of ingredients and chatted about what they had learned today. They then entered the kitchen and started busy preparing meals for Feng Nanshu for pregnant women.

Although Aunt Zhou is very experienced in preparing meals for pregnant women, Ms. Yuan is always afraid of making mistakes while busy, so she has to follow her lead every time. She has been in Shanghai for four months and is watching Feng Nanshu’s belly slowly rise. , looking forward to his granddaughter no less than Jiang Qin.

Of course, the price of this expectation is the cupboard of instant noodles that my dad squats in Jeju.

Jiang Qin had just taken a shower and came down from upstairs. He couldn’t help but stand at the door of the kitchen and look at it for a long time: “Is this the little rich woman’s meal for pregnant women tonight? It looks delicious.”

“Hey, you’re back?”

“Didn’t I call at noon?”

Yuan Youqin was stunned for a moment: “Look at my brain, I remember so many things that I have completely forgotten this matter.”

Jiang Qin pointed to the meal for pregnant women being made: “Make me a portion to try too.”

“Why do you want to eat everything? Are you going to grab Nanshu’s too?”

Jiang Qin pursed his lips and thought, “What’s wrong with robbing the little rich woman? In a few months, I will even dare to rob Jiang Ainan!”

Thinking of this, he suddenly lost interest in the little rich woman’s meal for pregnant women, and was very interested in Jiang Ainan’s rations.

“Where’s Nanshu?”

“In the room, Xitian called to report the work, and she went to deal with it.”

Yuan Youqin held the spatula and said, “Go and see if Nan Shu is done and ask her to come down for dinner.”

Jiang Qin nodded and walked upstairs to the master bedroom.

With the prosperity of commercial complexes and the take-off of group buying and takeout, more and more competitors have joined the current milk tea track. Although Xitian has been famous for a long time and its valuation is extremely high, as competition increases, the market The trend of involution has gradually taken shape.

The milk tea economy itself is weak and its ability to resist risks is not high. The blue ocean is gradually turning into a red ocean. Every decision of the brand may affect future development, so there are many things that Feng Nanshu needs to make a decision on.

The little rich woman is serious and serious when she works, somewhat like Qin Jingqiu.

She previously held a brand planning meeting with the management of Xitian, and suggested that Xitian launch several unique seasonal limited editions, which can be packaged gorgeously, taste extremely delicious, or taste extremely unpleasant, and then supply them in season and take them off the shelves immediately after the season. , come back next year.

This measure can ensure that Xitian has a marketing hot spot in every season.

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