Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2627

Feng Nanshu disagreed a little, and with a bluff, she said to herself that my brother and I were the romantic ones.

“I heard that you are going to have a camping trip next week. I will bring senior executives from our company to support you and help you gather people.”

“I thought you didn’t charge royalties just now!”

For a party business like Qianzuo, unstable customer flow is the most troublesome problem, and the only solution is to implement a membership system.

Just like barber shops and foot washing towns, stabilizing part of the unstable passenger flow is an important basis for economic operations.

But if you want people to become members, there must be some gimmicks.

Qianzuo’s competitor Weijiu had organized a billiards competition and a blind date masquerade party some time ago to attract members and customers.

The trump card of Qianzuo is the VIP version of “My Love with Jiang Qin” and the monthly membership-only camping party. To put it bluntly, this is a means to attract customers to sign up for in-store memberships.

So far, Cao Guangyu has organized camping twice, and the results are pretty good, and it has indeed stabilized some passenger flow.

Jiang Qin was not very interested in camping, but he was very interested in having the young master for free.

In addition, although group building activities are held every quarter, the small group 208 has indeed not been together for a long time.

Before, Sunai was clamoring to go out for team building, but Mrs. Jiang actually wanted to go out for a walk and see the greenery and lakes. Isn’t this a coincidence.

Otherwise, the young master is Jiang Qin’s roommate, and he’s been picked on again.

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared at the door of Qianzhui. Ding Xue, with long flowing hair, stepped forward and entered the box.

“Nan Shu, are you here?!”

“Long time no see, sister Ding Xue.”

Ding Xue put down her bag and looked at Feng Nanshu’s belly: “I’ll give birth in three months, right?”

Feng Nanshu smiled with bright eyes and couldn’t help but shook his head: “It’s not three months.”

“It’s so fast. Our old Cao and I were clearly ahead of you, but unexpectedly we were overtaken by you two good friends.”

“We don’t fall in love, so we are faster than you.”

Ding Xue didn’t believe it at all: “You guys said you don’t want to fall in love. I’ve heard Gao Wenhui tell you that your friendship is very intense, but I’m curious, how did Jiang Qin lie to you about being a friend?” ”

Feng Nanshu thought of Jiang Qin’s classic theory that friends are friends even if they are called Dai, and couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes: “Brother is always upgrading our friendship.”

“Won’t you refuse? Tease him and let him know that there is a price to pay for being stubborn.”

“But I like him, I have no spine.”

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