Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2630

Wang Haini couldn’t help but correct Gao Wenhui’s perception and let her reposition herself.

The role of Mrs. Jiang’s best friend is not a common one. It has been just the two of us for so many years. Things are rare and expensive, so how can we have a small rich second generation?

Gao Wenhui was stunned for a moment, couldn’t help but blink, and then realized that Mrs. Jiang’s best friend also had a very luxurious status.

“That one’s not bad. Look, he can also b-box. He’s so handsome. Are you excited?”

“Isn’t that a dandelion floating in your mouth?”


Wang Haini took a look and found that the boy had a bare pole in his hand, and thought it was true.

Gao Wenhui narrowed his eyes: “I told you, your taste in choosing men is really not good.”

“Then what’s the matter? Men don’t have a good idea when choosing me.”

“How about I learn from Nan Shu? Your coquettish and sultry tricks are too difficult for me.”

Wang Haini stretched out her hand to hold her: “Sex is the easiest thing for women. Don’t think Feng Nanshu’s routine is simple. Her routine is very difficult to operate in practice. If this kind of ultimate move is learned, Ultraman can do it.” What kind of man can stand up to her behavior?”

Gao Wenhui disagreed at all: “Didn’t Jiang Qin hold the position for several years?”

“That is false resistance. The genius of Nan Shu is that she has the ability to make him think that she has withstood him.”

Feng Nanshu is pregnant with a baby now and has limited mobility. She cannot go wild with them, otherwise she will definitely refute and say that she is not that smart at all.

At that time, she never thought about trying to trick her brother into turning her mouth into a fool.

Otherwise, why was she always clinging to Jiang Qin? Her brother walked endlessly every day, so she was basically being fished away. Every day, she chased Jiang Qin’s hooks and bit her, and even cheated him with food and drinks.

So strictly speaking, the two people should be talking to each other.

They are already interested in each other, and they will definitely fight to bite even if the hook is straight. After all, they are both willing, especially Jiang Qin, who is tough-talking and will not easily get off the hook.

At this time, Jiang Qin was really sitting comfortably on the bridge fishing.

The fishing rod was brought by Dong Wenhao. These guys have savings and a garage, and each have some little hobbies of their own.

Wei Lanlan goes to practice Pilates every day, Tan Qing falls in love with swimming, Sunai… remains the same as before, and Dong Wenhao is obsessed with fishing.

When Jiang Qin grabbed Dong Wenhao’s fishing rod, he saw Feng Nanshu curiously asking him if he knew how to fish. His wife had already asked him this, so how could he say no?

“What’s so difficult about that? It can be done in minutes. What kind of food do you want to eat? Let’s catch what kind of food you want. How many kilograms will you eat and how many kilograms will you catch?”

Before Jiang Qin left, he praised Haikou to the little rich woman and made Feng Nanshu look forward to it. However, there was no movement after fishing all morning, and he was a little frustrated.

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