Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2636

In the end, Bibi and Kuaidi chose to sink for the sake of growth rate and started to work in the third-tier market.

They have dogs, but they have to do it. This is probably the most helpless thing for them.

At the same time, Uber provided high-price subsidies during the May Day period, which was able to stabilize its small remaining share.

There are always some people who don’t care much about public opinion, especially if there are low-priced cars available, they will still flock to them. This is the charm of real money.

Men, in particular, are not worried about so-called sexual harassment. The previous public opinion war has had the least impact on them.

At this stage, Jiang Qin received an invitation letter to the International Internet Conference with a gorgeous cover design.


“Actually, it’s still the same Internet conference as before, but with a different prefix.” Secretary Wen Jinrui replied softly.

Jiang Qin said “Oh” to express his understanding.

China’s Internet development has accelerated overall since 2008 and has developed rapidly. Related industries have reached their peak. For example, the scale of cashless payments has surpassed many countries.

With such achievements, of course everyone hopes to use this industry to increase some international influence, so they directly changed the name to International and raised the profile of this conference.

However, the name of this conference has not only changed. Looking at the list of participants, we can see that there are indeed several well-known foreign Internet companies participating this time.

For example, Microsoft China, Amazon, Apple, etc. all have representatives attending the conference, and Travis, the founder of Uber, is also invited.

The meeting will be held in mid-June, and the warm-up has already started in advance.

In recent times, whether on the Internet or on TV, the official topic of “The Internet Changes Life” has triggered national discussion.

The most mentioned category is the payment software industry.

Because not having to carry a wallet when going out is really the biggest change in life.

In 2013, Cloud QuickPass was the first to enter the market, and Alipay quickly followed. It is said that vegetable markets in some cities are now beginning to use QR codes. Later, WeChat Pay joined the fray, accelerating the boom of scan-code payment. develop.

At present, Alipay still has a slight advantage in the payment market. There is not much difference between UnionPay and WeChat Pay, but in terms of frequency of use, UnionPay is still slightly ahead.

Peter Fenton, an American venture capitalist, was in the news because he visited the Wanzhong Mall in Shanghai and lamented China’s cashless payment system.

Only then did many netizens realize that the domestic Internet industry has developed to a point where foreigners are amazed by it, and they couldn’t help but feel proud.

However, while cashless payments bring benefits, they also have drawbacks.

It is said that at this conference, the official organization will introduce new provisions for several rapidly developing industries to avoid vicious competition and prevent industry monopoly.

During the warm-up stage of the Internet Conference, Jiang Qin was frequently invited by major TV stations and participated in many programs.

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