Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2639

The entire meeting was broadcast live on CCTV, and he and Mr. Lei had a dialogue program to do.

Xiaomi has developed rapidly this year. The Redmi brand focuses on cost-effectiveness and directly dominates the entire mobile phone industry with a price of 799, crushing the profits of the entire copycat phone market.

Because of the launch of this brand, Xiaomi’s sales have surpassed Samsung’s and become the number one in the country, comparable to the time Didi beat Uber.

Jiang Qin really admires Lei Jun. The key to his success in business is the reborn person’s foresight, but Mr. Lei really seems to be cheating, making him a perfect male protagonist.

“Is Mr. Lei also reborn?”

“Does he also have his own little rich woman? Does he like to act stupid like the one I have?”

Jiang Qin looked at the manual in his hand, mumbled a few words, and handed it to Wen Jinrui after confirming the process.

Wen Jinrui took the manual: “Boss, there is another program on The Way to Wealth. I want to invite you to be a guest. It is a late-night program. Will you go?”

“I won’t go. It’s too late for the late-night show. Your boss lady won’t sleep until you finish watching my news every day. Please help me refuse.”

“Oh, alright.”

Jiang Qin pointed to the process sheet on the table again: “Send one to Lan Lan and the others.”

This Internet conference was unprecedented in scale, and not only Jiang Qin himself was invited, but also Sunai, Wei Lanlan and Dong Wenhao, who were invited to participate as company representatives.

Chief technology officers like Sunai have to attend the 4G Technology Summit, Wei Lanlan needs to attend the operator conference, and Dong Wenhao has to speak on stage as a representative of the self-media industry.

Jiang Qin was processing the documents waiting for approval in the company, and then flipped through them. He didn’t see Didi’s recent data, so he simply went to the technical department.

After Didi updated three times, it added 100 yuan taxi coupons, forcing Uber to burn 100 million in three days to compete.

At present, May Day has passed, and Uber’s discounts are not that exaggerated. Jiang Qin wants to see the daily share of the two platforms.

But as soon as he entered the technical department, he saw several programmers who were a little lost. One of them almost overflowed when he was receiving water.

Jiang Qin glanced at Sunai inexplicably, and then went to Sunai’s office. When he opened the door, he saw that Sunai was a little depressed. He could tell at a glance that he was very angry, as if he was exuding negative energy.

Jiang Qin couldn’t help but clicked his tongue: “What’s your expression? Are you heartbroken?”

“My boyfriend was arrested.”


Jiang Qin just asked casually, but he didn’t expect the answer he got to be so exciting.

You know, Sunai said at the beginning, I am a 24-year-old chief technology officer of a group, I have a house in Shanghai, a car to my name, and I am pretty, how can I fall in love.

But who knew that in a blink of an eye, she would actually have a boyfriend.

Jiang Qin couldn’t help but be a little curious about who defrauded employee No. 001 of the group, but he was even more curious about what happened when he was caught. Was he a spy?

Seeing that he didn’t respond, Sunai turned on her phone and pulled out a piece of tonight’s headline news for him to read.

The content is probably on the 4th of this month. Some people reported that Qvod was involved in pornography. The Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Shenzhen City issued an “Administrative Penalty Notice” and the server was temporarily suspended.

“My boyfriend has been arrested soon.” Sunai said with a gloomy face.

Jiang Qin’s mouth twitched: “6”

“After watching for so many years, can we not know whether Huang is Huang or not?” Sunai lowered her voice and asked Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment: “Don’t you think it’s pornographic?”

“Huang, but it’s okay to be Huang for so many years, why is he being reported now?”

“This is a plain and simple business war. Kuaibo has been piracy for so many years. If we don’t get rid of it first, how can the video website make money?”

During the peak development period of the mobile Internet, according to survey reports, the number of Internet users across the country has reached 670 million, and the number of video website users alone has reached 230 million.

It is said that TV ratings are declining, and videos watched on computers or mobile devices have become the best option for netizens.

At this stage, many well-known manufacturers have entered the Internet TV set-top box business and produced plug-ins that can forcibly evolve ordinary TVs. Even Xiaomi can’t help but follow suit.

The number of users is increasing rapidly, the demand is increasing, and segmentation is becoming more and more obvious. This is not an era where you can only watch what TV stations show.

Therefore, video websites have begun to roll up, purchasing copyrights and producing homemade variety shows to compete for the market.

But at this stage of the development of the times, the problem of piracy has become the first thorn that needs to be solved.

As the piracy platform with the largest user base, Qvod can watch both serious and non-serious things. Who can beat serious software? So it’s not a surprise to be eliminated first.

Jiang Qin sighed, no wonder those young men were a little distracted.

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