Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2649

“No way, Mr. Jiang is so rich, why bother?”

“You have never been in contact with Tuantuan, so you probably don’t know. He once said that his industrial park was created by accident.”

At this time, users on the Internet platform also had a heated discussion about the two-horse dialogue. Some commercial self-media even used the words “Resolve the past feud?” or “Reconciliation of the century?”

Reconciliation and reconciliation are both good words, but the question mark following them represents uncertainty.

From the birth of Alibaba to its expansion, the competition between the two parties has never stopped. Can the past feud really be resolved?

Then soon, a photo leaked on the Internet, which seemed to cast another layer of doubt on the strange performance of the two horses on the same stage.

This photo is from a dinner party at the Wuzhen Conference. In the middle sits Liu Chuanzhi, the chairman of Lenovo China. Sitting on both sides are the two horses. Next to them are Cheng Wei of Bibi, Chen Chuanxing of Kuai CEO, and a woman with short hair.

Some people said that old photos should not be shown, but someone soon pointed out that this location is the Backwater Winery near the Internet Conference.

Netizens who didn’t know the meaning of the event called it the Billionaire Dinner, but some people regretted that no one from Pintuan and Baidu showed up. If the CEOs of these two companies also showed up, then this dinner would be called the most expensive in history.

“Are you really having dinner at the same table?”

“I don’t know if it’s voluntary or not. It looks like he’s smiling all the time. Someone must be treating him as an old man, right?”

“Who is this woman?”

“I don’t know, she’s Mr. Ma’s daughter. To be honest, I even know the date of her birthday, but she still owes me a QQ membership and hasn’t given it to me.”

“I don’t know how much the food they eat costs. I may not be able to afford it in my lifetime.”

“One makes money for you and your son, and the other makes money for your wife and daughter. You actually paid for this meal, so don’t feel bad. At least you feel satisfied with your participation.”

“Damn it, I feel even more uncomfortable when you say that. How much money do I earn?”

On June 21st, the summer solstice is approaching. At night, the lights in Shanghai are brightly lit, and the entire Hongqiao Airport is brightly lit.

The first International Internet Conference has officially concluded, and there is a lot of news conveyed.

For example, strengthening network security control, promoting the globalization of the Internet industry, and regulations on Internet financial control, as well as prohibiting monopoly and choosing one or the other.

People’s Daily and Xinhua News Agency successively published summaries of the conference, and the entire event concluded successfully.

The group-joining delegation returned to Shanghai by plane that day, and it happened to rain heavily at night, adding a touch of coolness to the early summer night.

At that time, Jiang Qin turned off the airplane mode on his mobile phone, took a look at the little rich woman’s WeChat, and suddenly saw the dinner photo forwarded by Lu Feiyu, and frowned slightly.

The mobile Internet is fast. Sometimes you have no idea what is happening around you, but people thousands of miles away can know it first and even forward it to you.

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