Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2677

They are still continuing the strategy set by Jiang Qin in 2009. Small cities build residential buildings around shopping malls and quickly recover their blood through sales, while large cities develop office buildings around shopping malls and use the rebates from small cities to support rents.

After three years of development, the current volume of Wanzhong Group and Qin’s real Estate is second only to Wanda Group.

And following He Yijun, there was also He Manqi, a little girl.

He Manqi officially graduated from Lin University this year, and she also got rid of the image of the rebellious girl before. With long hair and a shawl, she really looked like a rich daughter.

She is currently doing marketing planning in Qin’s Real Estate. She is very serious in her work and has outstanding abilities.

As Feng Nanshu’s little fan girl, He Manqi didn’t like Jiang Ainan very much. She stayed in front of the cradle car all morning and didn’t move her nest.

“This is Sister Nanshu’s baby.”

He Manqi couldn’t help but touch his little hand: “It’s so beautiful, you can see the outline of my sister Nanshu.”

“Isn’t it beautiful?Do you like it?Wait for the Hundred Days Banquet to let your father take more money, okay?”Jiang Qin showed a nuclear smile.

After listening to this, He Yijun said with a sigh: “Is this giving birth to a daughter? This is simply a reason for Jiang Qin to give birth to a share of the money.”

Qin Zhihuan couldn’t help patting him on the shoulder: “What does it matter, they are all a family.”

“This is obviously the biggest lie of the 21st century.”

With the birth of Jiang Ainan, the 40% off activity of the Pintuan system was also quickly launched, igniting the enthusiasm for consumption in the market.

Since the group buying wars, takeaway wars and payment wars have come to an end, except for the taxi market, consumers have rarely seen such a powerful discount amount. They eat out seven days a week.

You know, the whole market is 40% off. This activity is a large discount in a stable market, and even Double Eleven can’t do it.

To put it in that popular but reasonable proverb, this is to feed bait to the fish that have been caught.

“Can’t you fight the group?Just split the house and did a 40% off event in the entire market?”

“According to gossip, Mrs. Jiang seems to have given birth, probably to celebrate.”


“My friend’s cousin is a nurse at Xinyuehui. She said that an important customer they picked up some time ago was Mrs. Jiang. Many people have seen it. It is said that Mrs. Jiang is very kind and has a great relationship with Mr. Jiang.”

“Why is it super good?”

“Mr. Jiang now works for half a day a day, stays in the confinement center for half a day, and makes trouble with his wife all day long. My cousin said that Mr. Jiang in reality is always a little naive, which is different from the one on TV.”

“The news upstairs is very well-informed. Mr. Jiang did get a daughter. This matter is not a secret within the group. Mr. Jiang also said when he divided the house before. Many people are ready to be fathers like him. There is nothing he can do, he can only try his best to solve their housing problems.”

“Because I have a daughter, do you hope that all the babies who are going to be born can have a home?””

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