Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2680

“Refund expired coupons, I have lifted the table, you feel free!》

“Takeaway War, kind me, I printed plastic bags for friends!”》

“Stepped Rider Subsidy, I select the king of riders from the team of friends!》

“If you are hungry and don’t enter the game to burn money, borrow Ali funds to build a supply chain!”》

“Didi takes a taxi to enter, I hire a private car, don’t ask, just ask for energy saving and environmental protection.》

After a period of research and research, Kuai’s executives and planning team discovered that this is not a fucking development history at all, this is a naked dog history!

However, as Chen Chuanxing, who is in the same position as Jiang Qin, he feels the unity of the group from these materials, or Jiang Qin’s ultimate strength.

From 2008 to 2014, within six years, Jiang Qin did not make any decision-making mistakes, and every step was set on the fatal pain points of the market.

The most amazing thing is the ultra-precise and efficient execution of the entire group.

He seemed to see a person who would never make mistakes standing on the cusp of guiding the direction, while the employees behind him who never doubted the leader were struggling to move forward. It was these two points that determined the group to sweep the world all the way. .

People are self-aware, and Chen Chuanxing asked himself that he absolutely did not want to face such an opponent.

“In fact, market experience still needs to be obtained in the market. It is difficult to gain from fantasy alone.”

“Mr. Zhang is right. Looking forward, we will increasingly feel that our opponents are invincible. If so, it is better to fight in actual combat.”

Chen Chuanxing listened to everyone’s discussion and said: “Didi also has a second-tier market. We can try the Jinmen Market first.”

Zhang Kun, the manager of the planning department, was taken aback after listening: “Jinmen Market?”

“That’s right, Tsumon Market is currently a mature market that Didi has already done, and it is one of the closest second-tier markets to Kyoto. We can cut in from here.”

“What the boss means is that if we can grab the Tsumon market from Didi, it shows that the plan is feasible, and then we can immediately use the Tsumon market to enter the Kyoto market?”

“That’s right.”

The speed was very fast, and immediately after making the decision, he went to Jinmen, set up a sub-station, and dispatched the ground to start the first test.

At the beginning of August, another rain fell in Shanghai, which eliminated the sultry heat of the heat and brought a little coolness.

At this time, the Jinmen market was already full of fast advertisements, and Didi began to fight head-on and started a price war.

Cheng Wei, who was beeping, was not a fool either. He knew that Chen Chuanxing wanted to occupy the first-tier market first and get a bigger chip, but he didn’t follow him because of impulse, but kept watching.

Some tofu can’t be eaten in a hurry.

However, he was not in a hurry. Ye Qing, who was the executive officer of Didi, was in a hurry. She noticed the rapid movement in a very short period of time, so she reported it to Jiang Qin.

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