Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2691

“I wonder if Lao Dai was caned?”

“No, I heard that he quit smoking not long after he went to Singapore. The reason is that cigarettes in Singapore are too expensive. It costs eight or ninety-one packs, and it’s as hard to smoke as hay.”

“Okay, let them have a good rest.”

“Okay boss, happy new year.”

“Happy New Year, Lan Lan.”

Jiang Qin put down his cell phone, stretched out, and saw Feng Nanshu holding his infant daughter in his arms, looking out through the window, with the color of snow and sunshine reflected in his eyes.

After the two got married, the little rich woman began to expect to give birth, then gave birth to a baby, and was in confinement. She has not returned to Jeju for half a year. This is the first time she has come back, and her mood must be different.

After all, she used to walk around the neighborhood and tell everyone she belonged to Jiang Qin’s family. Now that she really belongs to Jiang Qin’s family, her sense of belonging is definitely stronger.

What’s more, she was holding her daughter in her arms.

As if she noticed that the phone was hung up, Feng Nanshu couldn’t help but turn her head and look at Jiang Qin: “Brother, this road seems to have been walked before.”

“Of course I’ve walked there. Isn’t this the same road I took you home for New Year’s Eve dinner?”

“Is it?”

Jiang Qin pointed out the window: “Do you remember that Red Star Supermarket? You had to go buy gifts for my parents. I told them they wouldn’t open during the New Year, so you kept biting your lips in panic.”

Feng Nanshu was dumbfounded for a while, then suddenly said with a face: “I didn’t expect you to suddenly turn a corner here and want to take me home.”

“On a whim, I don’t want you to spend the New Year alone.”

At this time, the driver in front understood and gradually slowed down, opening his career path wider and wider.

The street scenes during the day and night are extremely different, but after Jiang Qin’s reminder, Feng Nanshu quickly found a familiar feeling, and then couldn’t help but think of that bright New Year’s Eve.

That night they made an appointment to go to Nanhe to watch the fireworks. It was the first time the little rich woman was asked out at night, so she spent the whole day staring at the sun, wondering why it hadn’t set yet.

When the sun finally set, she put on her best clothes and couldn’t wait to go out.

On the gorgeous river bank, Jiang Qin asked her if she had a New Year’s Eve dinner, and said that it was only a New Year’s Eve dinner when she had it with her family. As a result, she stubbornly said yes, but she didn’t expect that Jiang Qin was on his way home. Suddenly, he turned a corner and took her home.

This was the road I took that night.

The little rich woman on the road realized that Jiang Qin was going to take her home to meet her parents. She almost panicked to death, with a bluffing face and an empty mind.

Thinking about it now, it seems that she wanted to marry Jiang Qin at that time.

If you don’t want to get married, who would go home with a boy for New Year’s Eve dinner on New Year’s Eve?

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