Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2706

Although the two people have different divisions of labor, a lot of information is exchanged because their businesses are related.

It would be excusable if an outsider didn’t know, but he knew that Didi had let water on the Jinmen market, otherwise he wouldn’t have eaten up the market so quickly.

Now you see that the attack is about to reach the gate, why don’t you stop?

“The boss won’t let me move, saying whoever does it will be unlucky.”


“He also said that judging from the current situation, the weak will be sympathized with.”

Under the same night of time and space, Cheng Wei began to play games and socialize everywhere again.

For example, the leaders of the Shanghai Transportation Commission and the Kyoto Transportation Commission must basically take care of them. Maybe one day this will become a real help. After all, who can say what will happen in the future.

But the laughter at the wine table could not dispel the depression of reality, and Kuaidi had already begun to enter the Kyoto market.

Bibi has also studied a set of countermeasures for this, which is to abandon the Jinling market and go directly to the Shanghai market to cooperate with Uber.

But no matter how fast it is, it still takes time. Although Cheng Wei doesn’t want to admit it, he knows very well that they can’t catch up.

But just as the Spring Equinox was about to arrive, Cheng Wei, who had just finished the wine party, suddenly received a message from Liu Qing.

Kuaidi was ordered to make rectifications by the Market Supervision Bureau for violating market regulations and was fined RMB 3 million. Currently, Kuaidi CEO Chen Chuanxing has been interviewed.

After seeing this news, Cheng Wei sobered up in an instant and became energetic.

Damn it, what the fuck is going on?

Cheng Wei immediately contacted Liu Qing and several senior executives of the company, and quickly went to the company while the moon was dark and the wind was high.

At this time, Chen Chuanxing, who was invited to meet, was also confused and dumbfounded.

Their operation in Kyoto was just about to begin, but at such a coincidental time, the rhythm was completely disrupted.

The big bosses who got the news couldn’t help but look at each other in shock when they heard that Kuaidi was being interviewed for rectification.

“Wori, Bibi is so lucky!”

“No, why are you being interviewed for rectification?”

“It is said that the marketing department randomly inspected fast drivers and found that some drivers did not even complete the basic registration procedures. There were also some who canceled the orders after receiving them and ran illegal vehicles. There were also vehicles that did not match the registration information. The most awesome thing was to catch a drunk driver. Finished drinking.”

“Isn’t this too coincidental?”

“This is to scare the monkeys. After all, the operation of private cars is not legal, and it is indeed too high-profile during this period.”

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