Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2725

“I heard that group booking is very difficult in overseas markets.”

“I’ve also heard that many saturated brands are following Keeta, an overseas group-sharing platform, to do business for foreigners.”

“I went to Singapore some time ago, and I did see the overseas store of Xitian. The sea salt flavor seemed to be sold out.”

“So Cloud Flash Pass has also gone overseas?”

“Yes, but the acceptance rate of mobile payment among foreigners is generally not high. Keeta’s focus is still on establishing an overseas membership database.”

“The market is not a big cabbage. He does overseas business as he pleases. How does he do it?”

“Plastic bags made by yourself will not leak, but those made for others will leak. Foreign platforms have never seen this kind of business war method, and every brand that follows the group to go overseas has found a local benchmark brand and is crazy about the popularity. , as soon as it became famous, it became a century-old brand.”

“Damn it, businessmen really sell stories!”

On the occasion of the hot summer, the Internet Entrepreneurs Club held a party.

All kinds of entrepreneurs who are deeply involved in this industry are all present, and when everyone talks about the development of the industry, the one that cannot be avoided is naturally the group.

Some people who had just traveled to neighboring countries couldn’t help but turn on their mobile phones and showed them “Century-old Korean brands” and “Thailand century-old brands”, which made everyone look at each other in amazement.

In fact, before joining a group to go overseas, many people thought that Chinese companies would only fight against each other.

You punch me, I kick you, you smear me online, I go to the park to have a fight with you.

In sharp contrast, American companies can spread around the world and become international companies in three to five years as long as they can quickly raise funds locally.

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Amazon, and even Uber are all rapidly expanding internationally, not to mention Coca-Cola, KFC, and McDonald’s.

Therefore, many people think that American enterprises should take a higher dimension and not worship foreigners.

Group-building has now become a variable.

People like Jiang Qin, who are extremely good at business wars, are like wolves among sheep after going overseas. They are really biting at random.

What he does at home is also acceptable abroad, which shows that those domestic companies really did not lose unfairly.

There are three giants in the domestic Internet industry, BAT. Among them, A is in the limelight, T is slightly lacking, and B is showing its age.

However, this newly promoted P is in his prime period in the Spring and Autumn Period and is a fierce group.

As wealth and age continue to accumulate, what is growing in people’s hearts is desire, and what is constantly being worn away is courage. Therefore, once many companies gain status, they basically focus on making money. This company, P, or Jiang Qin, Man, but still brave.

They simply can’t imagine what the group will be like in another ten or eight years.

However, in this world, no matter what happens, there are two voices, so if some people criticize the group, then some people will criticize the group. The main point of these people is that it is difficult for the group to be brilliant for a few more years.

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