Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2736

Sunai shook his head: “The boss is a finance major, but I always feel that he has seen the future with his own eyes.”

“Oh my god, who can beat us!”

The internal test of Douyin started after Zhihu Campus. Because there is no data after the user logs in for the first time, the algorithm function does not work temporarily

So, the first video that almost all boys open the screen is a hot dance of a black silk lady in shorts.

As for the girls, it is a man with eight abdominal muscles who is doing a lot of sex.

There is no positive energy on the entire platform, it is all vulgar, of course, the effect is also extremely obvious.

Some students are quick-witted and quick-handed, and they live a fairy-like life of playing music and dancing every night in just a few days.

And with the use of the student group, the entire Pintuan technical department, including the big data center and the algorithm center, began to continuously collect data and adjust the 1.0 version of Douyin.

Time flies and it is October. The internal test of Douyin continues to the later stage, and the first creator conference of Toutiao is held in Shanghai.

On the day of the meeting, the scene was crowded with people.

Jiang Qin appeared on the stage with a microphone in hand and talked about the development history of Pintuan, focusing on creating a persona of undefeated seven-year business career.

Then he announced that Pintuan would take out 1 billion as a reward for short video creation, inviting self-media creators to start trying video mode creation.

This is a principle that Jiang Qin has always believed in, that is, there must be reckless people under heavy rewards!

And a series of actions made people in the industry whisper.

Video software is not uncommon in the current market. Miaopai, Meipai and Kuaishou have existed for a long time. This year, there is also a software called Xiaokaxiu that has also become popular. At the same time, Weibo and Youku are also making their own fragmented video platforms.

Especially Youku, they started to encourage users to upload their own videos a long time ago, but they have not been able to do it for so many years.

Among so many examples, the best developed ones are Kuaishou and Xiaokaxiu.

Kuaishou focuses on rural and earthy themes, while Xiaokaxiu’s track is called funny short videos, and most of the content is some jokes, villains, or cross-dressing imitations.

Although they became popular quickly, according to the data, the traffic of these software is extremely unstable, and many investors will basically not choose to try this track.

One is because the return rate is not high, and the other is because ordinary companies cannot afford to play in this industry.

In addition, in the traditional Internet business thinking model, text, pictures and videos are all supplementary parts of the social matrix.

Everyone still thinks that the biggest significance of users posting videos is to show themselves in the end.

For example, mobile QQ has also updated the video function, but the user frequency is very low, and it is far less popular than the picture function.

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