Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2737

Some people have tried to place advertisements on these software, but the conversion rate obtained later is very low, so many people in the Internet have a consensus that the track of selfie videos is too narrow.

Therefore, the strategic plans of some large companies never involve self-made videos.

So when the Douyin project was in beta, everyone was confused about the sudden change of Pintuan to this direction.

Pintuan is the dominant player in the O2O field, doing the business of buying and selling. Suddenly doing this gives people the feeling of a tough guy wearing a skirt.

“In fact, my last analysis was correct. Pintuan is still facing the problem of traffic. If the influence of Toutiao and Zhihu decreases, it must find a new traffic pool.”

“WeChat has a social matrix, and Alipay is constantly developing financial services to control users. It will be very dangerous if Pintuan does not find a new traffic entrance.”

“But the track chosen by Jiang Qin…”

“Alas, there is no way to say.”

Many people in the industry believe that Douyin may be Jiang Qin’s exploration and attempt to get external traffic.

Just like Alibaba’s acquisition of Youku and Tudou, which has been a long time, but is getting less and less satisfactory, and there are also Xiami Music and Tiantiandongting, these attempts have failed without exception.

And Jiang Qin’s attempt this time may not care about success or failure, just to find a new direction in the process.

Alibaba and Tencent also knew this news, and then chose to ignore it after studying the development status of Xiaokaxiu and Kuaishou in the same track.

They have more important things to do.

In 2012, League of Legends became popular in China, and Cao Guangyu made a lot of money by hosting parties in Internet cafes.

And three years later, Tencent benchmarked this game and created a mobile version of lol “Honor of Kings”, which will be launched soon.

Alibaba is keeping a close eye on the O2O market. is not burning subsidies in second-tier cities, and Tao Piao Piao even launched a one-yuan movie viewing event.

At the same time, they also made two new moves.

One is the new retail IP Hema Fresh, and the second is the unmanned supermarket.

The unmanned supermarket is actually a gimmick. Alibaba intends to use this thing to promote that Alibaba can change the world and emphasize how safe Alipay is. The publicity significance is greater than the actual significance.

The new retail IP Hema Fresh is said to be a project that has been prepared for more than a year. The Jinqiao store in Shanghai is being renovated and will open at the end of the year. The benchmark is Jiang Qin’s Xianhui Xiansheng.

How can I say the location of the two stores? They are purely competing with each other, just like the relationship between Wanzhong and Joy City in Kyoto.

According to unconfirmed rumors, when selecting products, Hema Fresh will even specifically ask the other party whether they have cooperated with Xianhui Xiansheng.

It can be seen that Alibaba really doesn’t want to give group buying any breathing space.

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