Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2742

While Douyin is constantly using push notifications and algorithms to guide users to record their lives, many major events have also occurred.

Hema Fresh opened, Ma Yun personally attended the event, and smiled and said nothing when asked by the media about group buying.

At about the same time, Tencent launched Honor of Kings, which ignited a raging fire in the mobile game circle.

At the same time, in order to “take advantage of your illness to kill you”, with the help of Alibaba’s sniping action to complete its own market competition, Bibi merged with Kuaidi, changed its name to Bibi Travel, and began to eat into Didi’s market.

The outside world is really worried about group buying.

With the arrival of the end of the year, major companies have begun to publish their own data and publicize their achievements this year, which also makes group buying more passive.

“The market growth of group buying is almost zero, and takeout is even showing a downward trend. However, the growth of mobile phone users this year is 6.5%. I’m afraid that all these new markets have been taken by Alibaba’s platforms.”

“The domestic market is not ideal, but the growth of overseas market of group buying is amazing.”

“But the domestic market is the foundation of group buying. I am worried for Jiang Qin.”

“Alibaba is still Alibaba after all. You will know how terrible it is when you take it seriously.”

“You are panicking too early. The next is the big era. Maybe many patterns will change. Mr. Ma said that the second half will determine the next year. I’m afraid that 2016 will not be too smooth for group buying.”

2016 is called the big era by people in the Internet business circle, because starting from November, the 3G network began to slow down across the board.

In order to completely enter the 4G era, the three major operators reduced the price of their own packages by 20%, and fully implemented the “no clearing of traffic in the current month” for 4G packages.

In order to catch up with the trend of fee reduction and growth, almost all software are advertising and making new ways of playing, and various apps are beginning to emerge in an endless stream. Even the medical industry has joined in, and online consultation platforms have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

At the same time, Douyin also began to promote itself through the channels of Toutiao, and also logged into the opening page of Gaode Map.

Among thousands of tracks, it is particularly inconspicuous, but it has a strong vitality.

“The number of users of this software has grown so strangely…”


Kyoto Zhonggang Building, Youku Tudou, Market and Competitive Product Analysis Department, Wang Bolin, who is responsible for studying new trends in the industry, looked at the growth data of Douyin, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Youku has a self-made video section and has also cultivated a relatively novel program format like Tang Tang Talk Show, so they have always paid attention to the short video track.

At the beginning, everyone thought that the promotion of Douyin was just a trivial matter.

But with the emergence of monitoring data, Wang Bolin soon felt something was wrong.

So at three o’clock in the afternoon, Wang Bolin began to sort out the information, stacked the data tables of Kuaishou and Xiaokaxiu together, and went to find the department leader.

He felt that it was necessary to give feedback on this matter because this was his job responsibility.

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