Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2751

He reached out and opened Douyin, and selected the fourth function below the avatar on the right, forwarding.

Unlike other software forwarding modes, Douyin’s forwarding does not share to xx software after clicking, but prompts you to download the video.

In the process of downloading the video, the watermark in the upper right corner and the video end page are automatically generated.

When the operation reached this step, Wang Bolin had goose bumps all over his body.

At present, the software on the market basically uses the form of links in the content forwarding function.

I saw a fun video and forwarded it to your WeChat. After you receive it, you will see a link, and you can watch it after clicking on the link.

Douyin’s video saving and sharing function allows users to directly send the video itself.

After figuring this out, Wang Bolin suddenly understood why Douyin’s growth data was getting faster and faster.

When someone sees an interesting video on Douyin, they will forward it to their friends by saving the video. After watching it, the friend will find it interesting and may forward it to another friend.

Then the friend of the friend, the friend of the friend of the friend…

This video can be separated from the platform and does not need to be restricted by the environment. As long as the content is interesting, it is very likely to be forwarded hundreds of times, and even flow into other media platforms.

For example, this video of receiving red envelopes during the Chinese New Year, Wang Bolin himself was forwarded three times. You can imagine how far this video has reached.

Douyin has countless such videos…

The person who finalizes this forwarding form does not care where the video will flow. He only needs to see their jumping logo and the last sentence Douyin, record a good life.

He doesn’t care whether you will download it or not. What he wants is for you to hear the name of Douyin.

He knows that when the spread is repeated, repeated and repeated, you will always be curious and take the initiative to download it.

Just like tonight, on New Year’s Eve, Wang Bolin feels that if he is an ordinary person, seeing his girlfriend, childhood friend and roommate playing this software, he will definitely follow the trend immediately.

The most terrible thing is that after saving the video, this method will not be restricted by any platform.

When Taobao and Tencent were fighting each other, all Tencent’s social software blocked the links of products from Taobao.

But they can’t block the videos of Douyin unless they directly cut off their video function.

Then these fun videos can be sent to WeChat, Moments, QQ Space, Weibo, Youku, bilibili, and all platforms that support video functions will become its promotion channels.

So, those videos will spread to every corner of the Internet like a virus.

“Alipay has opened the lottery, 790,000 people, an average of 272 yuan!”

“Scan the Jingyefu at the last second, and you have the New Year’s money!”

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