Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2761

The director of Sina Short Video smashed the coffee cup in his hand with a “bang”, thinking that he was too arrogant, thinking that one card could lock the battle?

But what he didn’t expect was that this sentence was not a summary, but a preview.

At the beginning of summer, the popular contestants in several popular talent shows recently announced on Weibo that they had settled in Douyin, and maintained a daily update routine after settling in.

The key is that these popular singers did not move in together, but one every five days, one every five days…

This led to countless fans flocking to Douyin, and the four words “My Brother” brought a wave of traffic to Douyin.

Sina Weibo, I feel that my vitality is being drained.

“Are those traffic stars… from Huayu Film and Television?”


“Is Huayu Film and Television controlled by Pintuan?”


“They controlled Huayu in 2012, and then Huayu began to incubate idols by first auditioning, then releasing singles, and then acting on TV?”

“That’s right.”

“Did Jiang Qin decide to do Douyin in 2012?”

“I don’t know, boss, don’t cry, I’m scared…”

Just like Pintuan’s investment in Meitu Xiuxiu, they have always been full of doubts about Huayu Film and Television’s control.

But at this moment, the answer that was four years late finally came quietly.

At this moment, at the headquarters of Ali Baba, Ma Yun found a photo of him and Jiang Qin at the Internet Conference and looked at it for a long time.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little tired, or felt a little old.

He didn’t quite understand how young people today could make a business like this.

However, after all the traffic idols under Huayu Film and Television settled in, Douyin’s actions did not stop.

Anyone who had been beaten by him then knew that he was very dog ​​in business and was not ready, and he would never make the head up, but once he rose, he would no longer give friends a chance. Therefore, after the traffic idol settled, Xi Tian announced 500 million yuan. He launched a original musician support plan named “wheat field”. The funds were packaged by themselves, and the company did not set up it for themselves, and did not even publicize funds. Therefore, they have always been unknown and have been seen as unpopular singers. The original musician named Zhao Lei brushed Douyin and silently opened the wheat field plan. “It’s not just the wine last night that makes me cry~”

“It’s not just your gentleness that makes me reluctant to leave~”

“Walk with me on the streets of Chengdu, oh~”

“Until all the lights go out, I won’t stop~”

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