Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2769

The largest shareholder of Wanzhong is Jiang Qin, and the one shouting at the door is of course Duan Ying.

Some time ago, she invested all the funds she raised and all her savings in her hands to her eldest brother to do supply chain. Now she is very tight on money, otherwise she would not come to visit this kind of mall that ordinary people come to.

Duan Ying had a dark face, and directed the security guard to put his things in the trunk. Finally, she couldn’t help but look at the newly opened Hema Fresh opposite.

It was clearly agreed that Alibaba would impose thundering sanctions on group buying to make everything settled.

By then, the market of group buying supply chain will be eaten up by Hongrun. While she can make a lot of money, group buying will also be hit hard.

But half of 2016 has passed, group buying is still there, and Xitian, who slapped her in the face, is even getting more and more popular, which makes her feel very irritated.

But in fact, Duan Hong did not lie to her.

After Duan Ying’s money was invested, Hongrun was indeed expanded. They bought several warehouses and acquired two small freight companies, waiting for this overwhelming wealth.

But what the brother and sister didn’t know was that since the Chinese New Year, my Zhang Xuhao’s advantage has become more and more uncertain.

Not only was he unsure, but even Alipay CEO Pang Rui, who held a meeting with them, and Alibaba Chairman Ma Shu, both of them began to feel unsure.

In 2015, Pintuan shifted part of its business focus to overseas, which was seen by the outside world as being constrained by Alibaba.

Enterprises need growth points, and entering overseas markets is expansion, but also avoidance.

In the year when Pintuan deliberately avoided the war, Alibaba attacked with all its strength and targeted from multiple angles, and indeed ate up part of Pintuan’s market.

Among them, the biggest gainer was Ele.bu.

In this sniper war without gunpowder, only undercurrents, Ele.bu reversed its previous decline and increased its market share by 11%.

Eleven percent does not sound like much, but it is a huge volume in the national market.

Zhang Xuhao was very excited.

Although he was suppressed by Jiang Qin in recent years, his ambition has not diminished.

Because there is a saying that it is better to laugh for a long time than to laugh loudly.

So after discovering that the effect of the sniper war was so outstanding, he immediately notified the upstream supply chain to expand quickly to ensure greater results after the new year.

Hongrun Supply followed the market trend and used price reduction to attract partners in the group-buying supply chain. It really tasted the sweetness, so after receiving the notice from Elebu, it immediately began to expand.

But this year, everything was quiet and nothing happened.

This is equivalent to someone telling you that there will be a war next year, you should recruit soldiers this year, and maybe you can become the king.

When the time comes, we will conquer this world and share the glory.

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