Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2775

Jiang Ainan was very naughty now, using her mother’s rubber band to braid her father’s hair.

After a while, Jiang Qin’s hair was full of small tufts.

The people who came to visit looked at each other at this time, and Jiang Qin, who was in the nanny mode, seemed dazed.

He confronted Ali and beat him up right under their noses. They thought Jiang Qin’s personality should be like a powder keg, but they didn’t expect him to be so easy-going and casual.

Such a sense of contrast is too strong.

When everyone left, some people even saw Jiang Qin couldn’t wait to open the gifts they brought.

“What is it?”


“Hide it quickly, don’t let your mother see it, I’m afraid my lips will be damaged.”

And what happened next was just as everyone expected. The defeat of Ele.bu was not the end, and the counterattack of Pintuan against Ali had just begun.

If you want to hit a dog, you must be prepared to be chased and bitten by the dog.

So on the third day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Douyin launched a new version, and Cloud QuickPass was officially connected to Douyin. After entering the menu bar in the upper left corner, Cloud QuickPass scan code and payment QR code are displayed.

In addition, after clicking the plus sign in the lower bar, you can also directly identify the Cloud QuickPass QR code and jump to the settlement.

You can scan and pay directly when you go to a convenience store to buy things, go shopping with your wife in the mall, and browse Douyin.

This step of the update made the entire Alipay panic instantly, and also made WeChat Pay feel like it was facing a great enemy.

Douyin is the software that occupies the most fragmented time of users, and when users have payment needs, they often stay on the Douyin page more, so Cloud QuickPass naturally becomes the first choice.

WeChat Pay is better, because in terms of traffic, WeChat is still able to compete with Douyin, but Alipay is not so lucky.

It is a tool software itself, and users will not click it to play around.

When users encounter payment needs, they are much more likely to stay on Douyin and WeChat than it.

This has always been the most fatal shortcoming of Alipay, and now this shortcoming has been fully exposed after Cloud QuickPass was connected to Douyin.

Subsequently, group buying was also connected to the Douyin main interface in the form of a mini program, and the Douyin video channel was opened on the group buying end.

Merchants who want to promote their own stores can directly upload videos to the Douyin group buying page.

Users don’t like to watch ads, so the ads of group buying merchants generally do not enter the short video traffic pool on the homepage to affect the user experience.

But it’s different for those users who have needs. You may want to go out for a meal, but you don’t know what to eat.

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