Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2783

She wants a place to stay, so where is my little rich woman’s place to stay?

In Jiang Qin’s opinion, Feng Nanshu felt that she was a wandering lonely soul until she was 18 years old, and she was afraid that no one wanted her. It was only when she accidentally floated in front of him and was taken home by him that she had a place to stay.

Since my little rich woman doesn’t have a place to stay, then everyone else has a place to stay.

Qin Jingqiu suddenly looked at Jiang Ainan at this time: “Baby, what did your father teach you, don’t you remember?”

Jiang Ainan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered something his father had told him, and immediately looked at Duan Ying with a scare face.

“Why are you in my house?”

“Don’t you have a home?”


Duan Ying’s mind was instantly confused. Listening to this childish voice, it seemed as if she was bitten by a poisonous snake. The whole person staggered back three steps.

And Feng Shihua also held his breath, his scalp was numb, and bloodshot could even be seen in his wide-open eyes.

He had always thought that Jiang Qin had set up a trap to make Duan Ying lose everything just to show off by buying the house, but he didn’t expect that the final thunder would explode here.

When Feng Shirong and Duan Ying returned to China, they brought back their son Andy, and Andy said these two sentences when he first met Feng Nanshu.

These two sentences were really vicious.

After all, Feng Nanshu had been afraid that no one wanted him since he was a child, and he had never had a sense of belonging and security.

But at that time, everyone thought that Andy was still young and just a child’s words, and even Feng Shirong just pretended to say that he would beat him, and finally it became a pat on the head.

No one cared that Feng Nanshu had to hide in Jiang Qin’s arms for a long time before he recovered after returning to school.

At this moment, this sentence was fiercely returned by Jiang Ainan, who was also a child’s words, and returned it with a face.

Feng Shihua didn’t know how Jiang Qin knew about this, but he was more surprised that Jiang Qin was vindictive.

Until this moment, he realized that Jiang Qin didn’t care about the villa at all, nor did he care about the so-called Hongrun supply chain. He set up this game just to repay Feng Nanshu’s grievances.

I bought the house for my wife, so this is our home.

Why are you in my house? Don’t you have a home?

Yes, she really has no home. This is what Jiang Qin wants to do most. He just wants to return this sentence in front of Duan Ying.

He wants her to remember it for the rest of her life. What is retribution?

Retribution is what you did to his wife back then, and those vicious words you said, he will return them all without leaving a single bit.

Feng Nanshu suddenly bit her lip, her cheeks puffed up, and tears shone in her beautiful eyes.

Gao Wenhui always said that she was a husband slave, but which girl can stand this?

“I won’t move out. Don’t even think about asking me to move out. Do you think you can make me regret or apologize by saying a few words? It’s ridiculous. No matter how vicious I am, I am still his mother-in-law. I don’t believe he dares to force me to death!”

“Die? Jiang Qin said that a person with such strong material desires would never be willing to leave this world. He said he knows this kind of thing too well. But don’t worry, he really didn’t say he wanted you to move out.”

Duan Ying was a little unbelievable: “He won’t let me move out?”

Qin Jingqiu nodded: “But the servants and housekeepers in the villa must be replaced. Jiang Qin carefully selected it. ”

“So you did so much, but you can only talk about it? And you still have to pay for a house for me to live in and hire people for me?”

“Yes, you used the word “talk about it” correctly. The new housekeeper hired by Jiang Qin is really sharp and mean. She never forgives people. She will let people know what it means to have to bow their heads under the eaves at all times, just like Nanshu felt back then.”

At night, Jiang Qin, who was far away in Kyoto, had just returned to the hotel and had not had time to take a shower when she received a call from Qin Jingqiu.

She said that Duan Ying took her son to apologize to Feng Nanshu, crying and saying that she knew she was wrong.

After listening, Jiang Qin pursed her lips and thought that she didn’t know she was wrong, she was just really scared.

However, her little rich woman should not have any shadows anymore.

Wouldn’t she be more naughty then?

Jiang Qin held the thermos cup with wolfberries in his hand, and his expression was a little serious.

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