Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2792

Pang Rui followed behind, wearing a black windbreaker and high heels, looking resolute and vigorous.

As they walked, they greeted old friends in the venue, and finally met Jiang Qin.

Uncle Ma’s smile suddenly froze, and the corners of his mouth slowly fell, and Pang Rui also stopped and looked at him through the light cast by the crystal chandelier.

Young people will not change much in a short period of time, and Jiang Qin is still as young as before.

It’s just that Uncle Ma’s temples have a little more gray.

Jiang Qin looked at him, raised his glass, and politely said: “Long time no see.”

Ma Yun looked at him: “You can’t always be right.”

“But I have never missed it.”

After a short conversation, Mr. Ma left with a solemn look, and Pang Rui left with him.

Although no one else at the scene approached, they actually kept their eyes on this place, taking in the scene just now, and looking at each other in surprise.

Although Alibaba and Pintuan had conflicts in business in the past, Ma Yun and Jiang Qin were in a harmonious atmosphere when they met.

But this time, they looked at each other across the table and had a conversation, which was full of murderous intent.

Legitimate market competition is fine.

But targeted market sniping with a purpose is not.

This is originally a business consensus.

In the following three days, the conference was officially held, and various processes were carried out in an orderly manner.

The focus of this year’s conference is Internet+, and the theme is to think and act together, gather momentum and empower.

The official proposed the layout ideas for the new stage of Internet+medical care, Internet+real estate, Internet+government affairs and Internet+public services.

At the meeting, relevant leaders also refined the four keywords of “sharing, integration, collaboration, and ecology” for Internet companies.

In this process, Ma and Jiang Qin sat in the first row together, without communicating with each other, and even a polite smile.

When the camera swept across the front row, everyone saw the three slightly solemn faces on the screen, and couldn’t help but let out a hissing sound, feeling the pressure coming.

At 26, Jiang Qin is in his prime, but he still looks too young in the business circle.

This gives people a feeling that the growth rate of group buying is much faster than his age.

There used to be a saying in the circle that Jiang Qin can outlast everyone with his youth, but now he is not only young but also fast, who can stop him.

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