Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2804

It is the warm-up period of the Double Eleven Shopping Festival. In fact, all logistics parks are very busy, but Pintuan Logistics Park is particularly strange.

Because Pintuan is not an e-commerce, but a group purchase, Double Eleven has little to do with them, and the sudden increase in transportation volume is particularly abrupt.

At the same time, Douyin’s live broadcast function was officially launched.

In fact, live broadcasting is not new in 2016.

For example, game live broadcasting platforms such as Douyu and Huya have actually been well-known for a long time.

In addition, Kuaishou also has a live broadcast area, and a large number of software such as Xiaokaxiu and Momo also have the so-called live broadcast and microphone functions.

Therefore, the launch of Douyin live broadcast did not cause much response and attention.

Take Tencent for example. The live broadcast platform they invested in is not a core business, nor a monetization tool, but a traffic tool. To put it bluntly, it is to divert traffic to games and use games to monetize.

If Douyin wants to do live broadcasts, won’t it still be Tencent’s games?

Tencent just happened to be jealous of Douyin’s traffic and would not stop it.

At about the same time, a group of Douyin’s most popular bloggers rushed to Shanghai and came to the hotel booked by the group.

A seminar called Douyin Entrepreneurship was hosted by Douyin’s Chief Operating Officer and Video Reviewer Dong Wenhao.

Internet celebrity Qihuoge is a well-known digital unboxing blogger. He used to make videos on Bilibili, and was later recruited by Douyin for a large sum of money. He also accumulated a lot of fans in the field of one-minute short videos.

However, whether on Bilibili or Douyin, their income is actually not stable, and some are purely for love.

It was not until the launch of Douyin’s advertising platform Xingtu that he received brand promotion and had a stable income.

This time, what Dong Wenhao showed at the meeting made him see the possibility of making a fortune.

And this thing…

There is no cost…

Time flies and it is November. Double Eleven is very popular. The advertisements of major e-commerce platforms are like plasters, pasted on everyone’s computer desktop.

Zhang Wenju, who works for a Taobao store operation company, had a meal with his good friend Wang Bolin after finishing the last store decoration.

Wang Bolin was a data analyst for Youku Tudou before, and was later transferred to the Tudou short video project team.

Later, with the explosion of “Chengdu”, the entry of “My Brother”, the combination of the original musician plan and the targeted traffic card, the Tudou short video project team was successfully disbanded.

Users on the market don’t even know that they have made such a product.

Now he has returned to Youku and lives a nine-five-five life.

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