Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2807

Compared with ordinary e-commerce, the live sales model makes the appearance of the items more realistic, and the anchor will do all kinds of homework to increase sales and answer them in detail on the spot.

Even if you have any questions, you can speak directly in the comment area.

I know you want to buy it, and I can introduce the product in a few words. If you have any questions, I can answer them right away. I will also call you family, friends, and pig girls. Who can stand this?

According to the data comparison during the internal test period, the transaction rate of the live broadcast room reached three times that of the traditional e-commerce model.

That is, for the same 9 fans, traditional e-commerce can make a transaction for one, then live e-commerce can at least make a transaction for three, or even more.

Large subsidies, high transaction rates, treating consumers as “family” in a friendly way, and next-day delivery services.

Coupled with the huge traffic of Douyin itself, Douyin e-commerce at this time is like practicing the Star Absorbing Method, madly absorbing the heat of Double Eleven.

Soon, the preheating of Double Eleven reached its peak, and the transaction volume of the entire network began to explode.

The entire Alibaba team was in a hotel in Hangzhou at this time, watching the crazy increase in sales with many media.

In 20 seconds, Taobao’s sales on Double Eleven exceeded 100 million.

In 50 seconds, it exceeded 1 billion.

In 6 minutes and 58 seconds, it exceeded 10 billion.

It was half the time of last year’s 10 billion mark.

Finally, the peak single-day sales exceeded 57.1 billion. It was simply crazy, and this transaction data also went viral on the entire Internet, and the top three hot searches were all related to Double Eleven.

But everyone’s focus was not on this.

Taobao’s Double Eleven every year is creating history, and everyone’s shock has been used up in the past few years.

And Taobao’s sales continue to set new highs, in fact, it does not rely on Alibaba’s strength, but entirely because of the rapid development of mobile Internet.

Simply put, this is the power of the times.

The times created e-commerce, but the e-commerce market is still taking off with the times.

So where are everyone’s eyes at this time? On Douyin.

It is said that group buying must be an e-commerce business, and that group buying will become the next, so people did not pay much attention to the launch of Douyin live broadcast, thinking that it was just a mixture of video attributes, until now…

Douyin e-commerce’s daily transaction amount exceeded 100 million.

Transaction amount and profit are two different concepts, so breaking 100 million is nothing for Internet business.

When the business war was the most intense before, some companies could burn such an amount in three days.

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