Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2813

“This is a bit outrageous. Using such a thing as a gimmick?”

“Rockets belong to the country. Who dares to sell them? Bullshit. Report it, no thanks!”

“After Jiang Qin’s business grew bigger and bigger, he got a little arrogant. He dared to joke about such things?”

“Don’t the relevant departments care? This violates the Advertising Law!”

In the comment area of ​​the hot search, eleven out of ten netizens who came to join in the fun didn’t believe it, but they still rushed into Douyin frantically and booked the live broadcast that day.

I have to see what’s going on!

And some friendly companies are also unpredictable. They don’t know what Jiang Qin is doing.

Everyone in the circle knows that Jiang Qin went to Aerospace Science and Industry Rocket Technology Co., Ltd. some time ago, and it is possible to cooperate in selling models.

But what was unexpected was that at 7 pm on December 12, five “Kuaizhou-1” rockets were put on sale in the anchor Qiya’s anchor room, with a price of 40 million yuan and a deposit of 500,000 yuan, shocking the entire network.

What was even more shocking was that within five minutes, the rocket link showed that it was sold out.

“Fuck, selling rockets is outrageous enough, and what’s even more outrageous is that someone really bought it?”

“I really want to know who bought it.”

“Fuck, I really can’t understand the world of rich people.”

“Douyin has made progress…”

And with this live broadcast, the topic that even rockets can be bought in Douyin’s live broadcast room quickly became a hot search and quickly became popular in every corner of the entire network.

The identity of the mysterious buyer also surfaced under the close attention of netizens.

The buyer was not a person, but a company called Changguang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd., which is engaged in system research and development, satellite detection system and equipment research and development services. It is the first commercial remote sensing satellite company in China and a state-owned enterprise.

The five satellites in Qiya’s live broadcast room were bought out by this company in one go.

Meanwhile, the competitors got more inside information through their own information channels.

In fact, Aerospace Science and Industry Rocket Technology Co., Ltd. and Changguang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. had already signed the contract, but Jiang Qin used various connections to contact them and then pulled them into their live broadcast room for a formality.

Jiang Qin’s idea was very simple. In the field of live broadcast e-commerce, he wanted everyone to only see Douyin.

“It’s really… marketing to death.”

Qiu Xudong slumped in his chair, and a promotion plan for Taobao live broadcast slipped from his hand.

They studied this plan for a week before deciding on it. They had all the details, such as marginalization, subsidies, and advertising, but facing these five rockets, he felt powerless as if he was hit by a dimensionality reduction.

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