Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2815

“Mr. Lei, welcome to the “Entrepreneur” program. I have a few questions from netizens that I want to ask you. Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

The host smiled and said, “Some people are curious about what entrepreneurs do in their daily lives? Do they fly around for meetings?”

After listening, Lei Jun smiled slightly, “In fact, we are just like everyone else. We watch TV and watch Douyin every day.”

“You watch Douyin too?” The host was a little surprised.

Lei Jun nodded: “Of course, we need to capture young people to capture the market. Douyin is so popular now, we also need to keep up with the trend.”

“You are good friends with Mr. Jiang from the group buying app, right? There are many comments about Mr. Jiang from the outside world. Some people say that he is a rare business talent, and some people say that his vision is ahead of the times. So how do you evaluate him?”

“I… can’t evaluate.”

Lei Jun spread his hands and said frankly that he couldn’t evaluate.

This sentence does not mean that Jiang Qin is difficult to evaluate. Of course, Jiang Qin is indeed difficult to evaluate, but he does not mean that at the moment. He thinks that only those who are at the forefront are qualified to evaluate those behind.

Jiang Qin is undoubtedly the fastest and most stable runner in this era.

At this time, many old friends, such as Zhang Tao, Zhang Xuhao, etc., can’t help but feel a little disappointed when looking back at the past.

They feel like they are the supporting role in a storybook. All these years of hard work and struggle seem to be used to set off Jiang Qin’s existence.

Business bloggers on major platforms also use this statement when making videos, calling him the king of the market.

Some people even say that the history of the development of mobile Internet in China is actually Jiang Qin’s autobiography.

With the emergence of this statement, one of the videos with the highest number of likes and reposts surprisingly showed Jiang Qin’s reply.

“No, even if there is no me, there will definitely be someone else.”

“We are the unveilers of the era, but the era will never come because of anyone.”


Some people saw Jiang Qin appearing and immediately called him dad, and then paid close attention to him.

This is Jiang Qin’s personal account on the Douyin platform. There are not many videos in the video column. The only one is a video of his wife.

In 2017, Douyin continued to grow, and Douyin’s no-source model + brand cooperation marketing also developed rapidly.

During the New Year’s Festival, local group buying and Douyin’s local live broadcast were combined, and the package coupons were sold out.

While Douyin’s popularity continued to rise, surprising news came from overseas markets.

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