Reborn at Thirty-Eight

Chapter: 2817

Dogs are dogs wherever they go.

Damn, it’s terrible.

After watching this video, netizens couldn’t help but start to ask for follow-up.

Soon the follow-up of the video came. Several guests in the picture went to buy milk tea and asked the clerk if he was Korean. The clerk immediately shook his head.

Then the guests asked her if she knew that this was a century-old Korean tea drink, but the clerk opposite told them that this was a brand created by their boss in 2008.

The guests didn’t believe it and immediately went online to find information for him, as anxious as if they were looking for evidence that the Dragon Boat Festival was theirs in their own nihilistic history.

But as the search deepened, the guests began to remain silent.

Damn, how come Xitian is not only a century-old brand in Korea, but also a century-old brand in Thailand and Singapore at the same time.

The video finally freezes on the guests’ incredible expressions. Seeing this, even Big Head Son lives in Bengbu.

Damn, this is too dog.

Going to other countries to do business, pretending to be their century-old brand, making people so proud, but when you go to a place, you promote yourself as a local century-old brand!

What’s the difference between this and Old John’s century-old Chinese medicine store and Los Angeles First People’s Hospital.

However, some people on the Internet have different opinions on this matter, and some people are even leading the rhythm.

“Why do you say you are a time-honored brand from other countries? The position of such a company is not very firm.”

“I think so too. Is it shameful to say that you are a Chinese brand?”

“It feels a bit like worshipping foreign things. How about we boycott it together?”

Xitian did not reply at first, but as a small number of netizens continued to criticize them, they still posted a video and announcement on Douyin.

The video content is an official Weibo post released by Xitian in early 2016.

They donated the profits from overseas markets through the Jinsinan Foundation to help orphans in China go to school, build libraries for left-behind children in rural areas, and set up a psychological institution to help children from single-parent families get professional growth guidance.

It’s just that this announcement did not attract attention last year, but it has become the best clarification at this moment.

They made money abroad and donated it to China…

The key is that netizens all know the rumors about the vicious stepmother, and they think Xitian’s donation is instantly reasonable, because the beautiful Mrs. Jiang is also a child who grew up in a single-parent family.

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