Take My Breath Away

Chapter: 694

There is also a marriage proposal. “Why… how did you propose?” She thought that Li Jingchen would not propose marriage.
“In fact, I didn’t make a proposal very much. I just put a ring on Miss Chang in full view. The people in Los Angeles know that Miss Chang likes Brother Jing to go crazy, and they can’t wait to put on a proposal ring for King Jing. So, Brother Jing also Nothing.” The waiter really knows everything for money.
Jing Li didn’t listen to anything else the waiter said.
She only knew that Li Jingchen was already married and married other women.
Jing Li clenched the ring she hung around her neck, feeling infinite irony.
She wanted to take away even death, but he bought another for another woman.
In order to prove the credibility of the waiter’s words, Jing Li went to find a few more waiters unwillingly, and they all got the same promise.
Li Jingchen did marry Chang Jingjing.
Oh, no, it’s Chen Jing and Chang Jingjing.
But is there a difference? Li Jingchen was the one who got the certificate.
Jing Li didn’t know how she got out of the nightclub, nor did she know where she was going after she got out.
She was like that time a long time ago, walking along the side of the road.
I also walked to the overpass where I met Li Jingchen, but this time there were no people in the camouflage uniforms under the overpass, let alone Li Jingchen.
Because Li Jingchen is busy being sweet to his newlyweds.
For a moment she wanted to jump off the overpass again.
But she couldn’t. Grandpa and uncle broke their hearts for her the last time, and she couldn’t worry them anymore.
She found a jewelry recycling store, hesitated at the door, and walked in.
It didn’t take long before Jing Li came out.
She was no different from when she went in, except that the ring that hung between her neck was gone, and the bracelet was all sold.
She was going to be a scumbag, and Li Jingchen didn’t repay her 300,000 yuan, so she went to travel with a large sum of money for selling rings and bracelets. Change a boyfriend every day and live a good life.
Jing Li returned to Yuecheng. As soon as she got off the plane that day, she received a call from an unknown number.
But she didn’t answer and hung up.
The other party hit three times, and she hung up three times.
Until the end, he never played again.
But within two days she received another call from Shi Sisi. She relayed what Li Jingchen said, “Jing Li, everything you see now is fake. It is Chen Jing not Li Jingchen that has something to do with Chang Jingjing. And Li Jingchen. From beginning to end, there is only Jing Li in relation to the woman. From the past to the present, to the future, Li Jingchen only loves Jing Li.”
Shi Sisi was very excited, and even wrote down what her son said, for fear that she would pass it to Jing Lishi and miss a word.
But Jing Li didn’t fluctuate much after listening.
When Jing Li died in love for Li Jingchen, Li Jingchen lived well in this world. She could understand his affairs with Chang Jingjing. But I couldn’t understand why Li Jingchen didn’t give her a call. When he was in peace, why didn’t he expect that there was another Jing Li who was so painful for him that he wanted to die?
Can’t understand what mission he is participating in, he has to marry Chang Jingjing?
Shi Sisi did not get any message from Jing Li to Li Jingchen. No matter how many words she said to comfort Jing Li, Jing Li only had one sentence from beginning to end, “Auntie, thank you for taking care of Jing Li in the past. I will not forget it. I will definitely visit you during the holidays. I just hope that I won’t mention the name Li Jingchen again, okay?” She couldn’t afford it.
When Jing Li thought that Shi Sisi would be angry or disappointed, Shi Sisi didn’t expect Shi Sisi to say, “Whatever aunt Jingli do, you will support you. You’ve been waiting for him for so long, you have liked him for so long, and worried about him so much. Over time, you have to embarrass him.”
Jing Li, “…”
Her love is different from others. Some people just wait, waiting intently for the person in their hearts to guard their homes and defend the country. If she just waited, she could wait for five or ten years.
But there were other factors that made her feel insecure and made her feel so painful that she couldn’t think of it.
She didn’t just say these words to embarrass Li Jingchen. She Jingli swears that if Li Jingchen doesn’t contact her for a lifetime, she will never contact him again and never pester him.
Unfortunately, the sky is not as good as people want.
When she thought she and Li Jingchen would be like this in their lives, he came back.
On the day when she suddenly appeared in front of her, Jing Li had just burned her long, black hair into big red waves. With a man in a suit and leather shoes in his arms, the two came out of the hairdresser talking and laughing.
Jing Li was wearing a sexy and fashionable dress, and the eyes of men around him were straight.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man wearing a uniform she was familiar with, and took one more look as usual, but this one was incredible!
Not only is the clothes familiar, but even the appearance can be compared with the person in her mind.
The man stood straight there, holding a box of immortal roses in his arms, just looking at her.
The two of them faced each other, and Jing Li’s eyes were red without a trace.
But she adjusted her emotions quickly, as if she hadn’t seen Li Jingchen, she continued to lower her head and laugh with the man next to her.
“Jing Li.” She was stopped by him before she took another step.
The man Jing Li was holding turned his head in doubt, “Did someone call you?”
Jing Li’s smile remained unchanged, “Well, you got it wrong.”
“You heard me right, I just called her.” Li Jingchen didn’t know when he walked over and stood in front of the two people.
Jing Li’s smile gradually disappeared, “I don’t know you, are you looking for me?”
Li Jingchen glanced at the puzzled man next to her, “She didn’t tell you, is she already married?”
The man was even more confused, “No.”
Jing Li was also dumbfounded, “What are you talking nonsense about Li Jingchen?”
“Don’t you know me?” Li Jingchen’s eyes fell on her again.
Jing Li, “…”
If you change to someone else today, the second-generation rich man in a suit will definitely look for trouble, but the man standing in front of him is a character he can’t afford. Just look at the signs on his clothes. He pulled his arm out of Jing Li’s hands in angrily, “Jing Li, I’m leaving now.”
“No, listen to me…”
No matter what Jing Li said, the man didn’t look back, and he went faster and faster.
When only the two of them were left, Jing Li gathered her long hair scattered on her shoulders, and her entire face became cold.
I just ignored Li Jingchen and prepared to take a detour.
But he was stopped by an arm outstretched, and he couldn’t help but put the flower in her arms, “Jing Li, I’m back…I will report to you as soon as I have finished my official business!”
The roses you wanted me to buy for you, I brought them.
I will give you everything you want in the future.

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