The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 3493

As soon as Wan Pojun said this, there was a wailing sound on the scene.

Taking out half of the family property, this is even more ruthless than Zhou Papi!

The skin is only a thin layer, but Wan Pojun is going to split them in half from the middle!

A group of people kept begging, and Ye Tianxiao choked up and said, “Master Wandian, we are just a sideline of the Ye family. You can’t treat us like the Ye family’s family! As far as I know, the Ye family’s family It’s just a half of the assets, how can you ask us on the same terms…”

Ye Tianxiao’s words immediately resonated with others.

They realized that they were ordered to return to Yeling Mountain by the Ten Thousand Dragons Hall today. They were afraid that there was nothing good, but they didn’t expect the Ten Thousand Dragons Hall to have such a big appetite!

Asking them to take out half of their assets is more terrifying to them than killing them.

These collateral families, all of them have developed in their respective fields for decades, and finally managed to save today’s wealth, suddenly they have to take out half of them, and no one can accept it.

Seeing the complaints from below, Wan Pojun immediately said in a cold voice: “I will not talk nonsense with you. I have seen the genealogy of the Ye family. Except for the more than 700 people who came to the ancestor worship ceremony this time, each of your families The other descendants are also very clearly recorded in the genealogy. If any family doesn’t cooperate honestly, don’t blame me Wanlongdian for being cruel!”

As soon as these collateral branches of the Ye family heard this, they fell into deep despair.

They are very clear about the strength of the Wanlong Palace, this kind of top mercenary group with tens of thousands of people, if you really want to engage them, it’s easy.

If they don’t cooperate obediently, they might die one day.

Moreover, even the Ye Family, whose strength far surpassed them, were obedient, how could they have the confidence to fight to the end?

After all, these collateral families all add up, and their strength is not as good as that of the Ye Family, and there is a huge difference from the Wanlong Palace.

Seeing that all of these people were pale with fright, Wan Pojun knew that they were basically afraid to refuse, so he said loudly, “Next, my subordinates will follow the roster and connect with each of you separately. If You don’t want to be an enemy of my Wanlongdian, hurry up to contact your family, and quickly gather the funds at home. Later, according to the requirements, half of the assets will be transferred to my Wanlongdian’s overseas account!”

“Cooperate obediently, Wanlongdian and him will be in peace in the future, and those who refuse to obey will be the mortal enemy of Wanlongdian from now on!”

When everyone heard this, they were desperate at the same time, but they had basically made a decision to compromise with the Wanlong Temple.

If you have money, you can make more money, but if you have fate, you will have nothing.

Moreover, Ye’s family tree is in Wan Pojun’s hands. If Wan Pojun is willing, he can completely cut off any branch of them.

Ye Tianxiao pleaded desperately at this time: “The master of the house…the little family property he has saved is a penny and a dime, and every penny is hard-earned money, please. Raise your hand high, at least don’t take that much away…”

Wan Pojun nodded and said coldly: “Since every penny of yours is hard-earned money, then of course I can also don’t have a penny.”

When Ye Tianxiao heard this, he was so excited that he wanted to thank him, he saw Wan Pojun turned around at this time and told the soldiers beside him: “Find out all the information about this person and his family, no matter what method you use, Within a year, I want their family to be completely extinct!”

5 replies on “Chapter: 3493”

Saya akan sangat menghargai jika anda memperbaharui lebih banyak bab please…

translation: I would really appreciate if you update more chapters please

Belum tersedia bab baru… padahal saya sudah menunggu bab yg baru..

translation: There is no new chapter yet… even though I’ve been waiting for the new chapter..


translation : One slow update, hit by lightning

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