The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 4267

Generally speaking, there is no such thing as the color of the emperor green, and in the emperor green, come up with a piece of anise that can be used as a bracelet, and it must be full green, no cracks, no cotton, and no fluff. The odds are as low as one in a billion.

The old lady’s bracelet was the real Laokeng glass kind of imperial green back then, and it was handed down from the palace in the Qing Dynasty.

Among the jadeite players, the bracelet that only exists in legend and is worth five billion yuan is this one.

Although Gu Qiuyi didn’t understand jadeite, but just by looking at the color of this bracelet, she could guess that it was worth a fortune, so she quickly shied away: “Grandma, how can I ask for something from you…”

The old lady said seriously: “Child, you are Chen’er’s fiancée, and this is the first time you have come to the door. According to our rules, the meeting ceremony must not be missed! This is me, the grandmother, for you, the future grandson-in-law. meet and greet!”

An Qishan, who was on the side, also quickly said: “The meeting ceremony must be given! Chongqiu, go and find the property right certificate of our courtyard house in Ya’er Hutong, Yanjing, and transfer the house to Miss Gu’s name! ”

An Chongqiu nodded quickly.

An Qishan said to Gu Qiuyi at this time: “Ms. Gu, I have three entrances and three exits in the courtyard house in Ya’er Hutong. The lintels and pillars of all the houses are all made of golden nanmu, and that house was a great one in the Qing Dynasty. The Prince’s Mansion was bought by others during the Republic of China and turned into private property. Twenty years ago, I spent 30 million US dollars to buy it from an old overseas Chinese. Now the golden nanmu in it is worth dozens of dollars. billion!”

The old lady on the side said helplessly: “Qi Shan, that was forty years ago…”

Due to the lack of efficacy, Sanxue Jiuxin Dan saved An Qishan, but his symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease have not been relieved, so his cognition of time has basically stayed in the state of 20 years ago. .

Gu Qiuyi waved her hands again and again in fright at this time, and said in a panic, “Grandpa…I can’t have such a precious thing…”

“What can’t you do?” An Qishan blurted out, “This house was originally intended to be reserved for Chen’er, but now that Chen’er has not been found, if she finds Chen’er’s fiancée first, then the house will naturally have half of yours, you should take it first. Come on, when you find Chen’er, you will treat it as a new house!”

After speaking, he rubbed his head and couldn’t help but say, “It’s just that Chen’er is just eight years old… I’m afraid it will take a few more years to get married. Besides, you are so much older than Chen’er. But don’t bully him…”

As soon as the old lady heard this, she quickly said, “Qishan, didn’t I tell you, it’s already twenty years later, if Chen’er was still alive, it would be twenty-eighth this year!”

“Ah?” An Qishan was stunned and blurted out, “Chen’er is already twenty-eight? When did he just pass his eighth birthday?”

After finishing speaking, An Qishan’s expression was startled, and his eyes were red as he said: “Cheng Xi… Cheng Xi… It’s all my dad’s sorry for you… Don’t worry, my dad is just doing this. If you die, you will also find Chen’er…”

The old lady saw that An Qishan’s expression was extremely painful, and her heart was cut like a knife. She hurriedly said to everyone: “His mind is starting to be confused again, let’s go out first, don’t disturb him here…”

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