The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 3564

At this time, Su Zhiyu couldn’t wait to come to Jinling to meet Ye Chen.

Had it not been for the news release meeting to be held in the afternoon to officially announce her successor to the Su Family Patriarch and Chairman of the Su Group, she would have liked to fly over right now.

Moreover, she came to Jinling for two very good reasons.

One is that his mother lives in Jinling, and the other is that he is also a shareholder of Yisu Shipping. With such a large investment in Yisu Shipping, he naturally has to come and pay attention to the operation situation frequently.

Ye Chen didn’t think too much, just because he really wanted to meet Su Zhiyu and He Zhiqiu and have a good chat.

Moreover, he not only wanted to talk to them about the Wanlong Palace armed escort, but also about the future development direction of Yisu Shipping.

So he said to Su Zhiyu: “You will call me tomorrow after you land, and I will make an appointment with Zhiqiu. Then we will meet and talk.”

“Okay.” Su Zhiyu said hurriedly: “Then I won’t bother you, Grace, see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Ye Chen hung up the phone, and Chen Zekai, who was driving, couldn’t help but ask: “Master, Miss Su has completely taken over the Su family?”

“Yeah.” Ye Chen said with a smile: “A 24-year-old girl, who inherits trillions of fortunes, is probably the only one in the world.”

“Yeah…” Chen Zekai couldn’t help sighing: “After this information is released, Miss Su will probably become the most eager woman in this world for men to marry home…”

Ye Chen smiled and said, “Whoever marries her will become a winner in life in one step.”

As he was talking, Ye Chen’s phone suddenly rang again.

Looking down, the caller turned out to be Helena from far away in Northern Europe.

Ye Chen recalled that when he was in Northern Europe, the empress had promised that Helena would succeed him in three days. It was estimated that it would be today.

So Ye Chen answered the phone and asked her with a smile as soon as he came up: “Helena, has your coronation ceremony ended?”

Helena said in a very gentle voice: “Mr. Ye, my coronation ceremony will be held in the Capital Cathedral in four hours…”

“Four hours later?” Ye Chen asked subconsciously: “Should such a grand ceremony be held in the afternoon?”

Helena hurriedly said, “No, it’s ten o’clock in the morning.”

“Oh…” Ye Chen remembered the jet lag, and laughed at himself: “I’m sorry, I forgot about the jet lag. So, it’s just six o’clock in the morning where you are?”

“Yes…” Helena said softly: “I got up at four o’clock to make up and change clothes to make preparations. After two hours of tossing, I just changed my dress. It feels much more troublesome than getting married.”

“Of course.” Ye Chen said with a smile: “Marriage is a matter of two people, at best it is a matter of two families, but your successor to the queen, this is your entire royal family, and even the entire country’s grand ceremony.”

After speaking, Ye Chen said again: “Then I will congratulate you in advance for successfully inheriting Datong!”

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