The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 4184

An Chongqiu said with emotion: “I have been ill for more than two years. At first, I found that he always forgets things more easily. Forget it again, then say it again; or if you say something to him, he understands it at the time, and turns his face and asks you again…”

“At that time, we had already let the best experts intervene and took him to do some systematic training to fight the disease, but the cause of this disease is the functional decline of the brain, so there is no effective medical treatment. After that, his condition continued to deteriorate.”

Speaking of this, An Chongqiu said with a wry smile: “You say this disease is fucking weird. The closer it is, the less you can remember it, but the farther it is, the less you remember it. Later, the old man’s condition developed to The past four or five years have been blank. My son has given birth to his great-grandson, but he always feels that my son is not married. Every time he sees him, he urges him to get married quickly. Later, his condition continued to deteriorate. Recently I can’t remember the events of the past ten years, and I don’t know my son again, because in his memory, my son is the state of the young man ten years ago…”

When Li Yalin heard this, he couldn’t help but sighed: “Uncle An is a hero among Chinese people all over the world. He is tough and strong all his life. For him, this disease is really a great torture…”

An Chongqiu covered his face, took a deep breath, and then said with some red eyes: “His condition has been deteriorating, his memory has degenerated from three to five years to ten years, and half a year ago to almost twenty years ago. …”

As he spoke, An Chongqiu fell silent for a while, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Li Yalin’s eyes widened and he blurted out, “Chongqiu, your sister’s matter… it was almost twenty years ago…”

“Yes…” An Chongqiu lamented: “His memory is stuck at the time when my sister just passed away. That was the most painful stage of his life. Extremely regretful and self-blame, washed his face with tears, when his memory card was here, he woke up every day, holding my sister’s photo and secretly weeping, and kept saying that he killed my sister, and the state of the whole person was also changed. got really bad.”

Li Yalin hurriedly asked: “Is it okay for the past time? I mean, when his memory continues to degenerate for a period of time, to the stage when he and your sister were in a cold war before your sister was still in trouble, Is it better for him?”

An Chongqiu nodded and said, “I thought the same thing before, but I never thought that he had no memory loss in the past six months… It may be that he came to him during this period of time. Said the blow was too big, so his memory was stuck here…”

Li Yalin was stunned for a moment, and only muttered after a while: “The memory card is in the most painful stage of life…this…this is too fucking cruel…”

“Yeah…” An Chongqiu said with red eyes: “It’s so fucking cruel… So for the past six months, basically every day he wakes up, he has to experience the loss of his beloved daughter once. pain……”

As he said that, he hammered his heart, gritted his teeth and said, “As a child, seeing my own father live in that kind of extreme pain every day, my heart… it’s not fucking wrong. The taste…”

Li Yalin’s nose was also a little sore. He couldn’t help rubbing it, and asked, “What did the doctor say? Is there any good way? Let’s not talk about treatment, even if it makes him worse…”

An Chongqiu shook his head and said dejectedly: “The doctor has nothing to do. This kind of disease, whether it is good or bad, is not disturbed by external forces. After all, this is the old man’s own inner demon, and he has not really let go after so many years. ”

Speaking of this, An Chongqiu took a sip of wine and said to Li Yalin: “So you can understand why I am a fool, why am I willing to spend more than 300 billion dollars to buy that rejuvenation pill… With it, the old man will be free…”

Li Yalin didn’t speak, he filled the wine glass by himself, and then drank it all, and then said guiltily: “I’m sorry Chongqiu, my broken mouth is so fucking stinky, don’t mind.”

An Chongqiu waved his hand and said with a smile, “I’ve known you for so many fucking years, how can I still know your temper?”

Li Yalin nodded and asked him, “What’s your plan next?”

An Chongqiu said: “Come back to relax, I have to go to Huaxia after a while to see if I can find the owner of the Huichun Pill, no matter what, I have to ask him for a Huichun Pill… ..”

Speaking of this, he let out a long sigh, looked at the almost bottomed wine bottle, and said in a hollow voice, “Even if the old man made a lot of mistakes back then, adding all the crimes he has suffered in the past six months together can be regarded as The debt is over…”

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