The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 4703

Ye Chen said again: “There is one more thing.”

Wan Pojun respectfully said, “Mr. Ye, please speak.”

Ye Chen said seriously: “You help me investigate Providence, a Chinese named Chen Liping, who looks like he is in his fifties, this person should be using a fake identity, but she actually used this fake identity, in Providence Widdens has lived, so he will definitely leave clues, so I need you to help me find out the current whereabouts of this person as soon as possible.”

After speaking, Ye Chen instructed again: “Also, their gang should also have a contact person here in New York, you can find a way to investigate the surveillance at the airport, and then see who is on the street with my mother-in-law, think about it. The way to find out her whereabouts is to catch people directly.”

“No problem!” Wan Pojun said without hesitation: “Don’t worry, Mr. Ye, leave everything to your subordinates!”

Ye Chen knew very well in his heart that Chen Liping would definitely find a way to monitor Ma Lan’s every move. Ma Lan was arrested now, and she had already lost contact with her, so she would be alert and realize that Ma Lan had an accident. , in this case, they will be evacuated from the place where they originally lived in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, it is very unlikely that she wants to go to Providence to find Chen Liping now, and the people in Wanlong Palace can only find her along the clues she left.

As for Ma Lan’s contact person in New York, no matter whether Ma Lan had an accident or not, she would flee the scene of the crime as soon as possible, so the possibility of catching someone immediately is very slim.

Therefore, this matter as a whole cannot be rushed. It can only be done by trying to find a way to arrest people while ensuring that Ma Lan will not have any major incidents in it.

When all the clues are revealed at the Wanlong Palace, and then the culprits are brought to justice one by one, Ma Lan’s suspicion will naturally be cleared away, and at that time, she will be able to regain her freedom.


At this moment.

A Ford pickup was quickly driving away from Providence towards Seattle.

Sitting in the car was Chen Liping and her four so-called family members.

The driver was Man Yingjie, who played Chen Liping’s son.

And Chen Liping, sitting in the co-pilot at this time, scolded angrily: “This Ma Lan’s luck is too damn bad, I thought that even if she had an accident, she must have an accident after arriving on Hong Kong Island, motherfucker. I really didn’t think that such a idiot would have an accident even in the United States!”

Man Yingjie said embarrassedly: “Aunt Mei, to be honest, I have always thought that this Ma Lan is unreliable, not that she will eat black, I just think this bitch is so fucking fluffy, like her. People who are in love have a natural magnetic field in their bodies.”

Chen Liping asked with a cold face, “What natural magnetic field?”

Man Yingjie blurted out: “It’s the kind of magnetic field that is prone to accidents! For example, if 10,000 people are walking on the street, and a brick falls from the sky, the probability of hitting the other 9,999 people is 50%, and the remaining 50% % probability is to hit her.”

Chen Liping shouted sharply: “Did I fucking use you here? What the hell did you do? Ma Lan came over for dinner last time, why didn’t you say anything after she left? Oh, you fucking know now, wait for you When I was hit and killed by a car while walking one day, I fucking said I knew you were going to be hit by a car. Will it make you alive? What’s the point of talking nonsense?”

Seeing Chen Liping’s anger, Man Yingjie shrank his neck quickly: “I’m sorry, Aunt Mei…I…I didn’t mean to…”

Chen Liping didn’t even bother to look at him, she took out her mobile phone, took out the card, and then threw the phone out of the window.

Afterwards, Chen Liping said to Man Yingjie: “Drive forward another 20 kilometers, and then turn to the south.”

Man Yingjie asked in surprise: “Aunt Mei, aren’t you going to Seattle to avoid the limelight? What are you doing going south?”

Chen Liping said coldly: “I’m going to Mexico, Ma Lan’s matter is stale, and Sister Zhou’s son’s matter must not make any mistakes!”

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