The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 4705

Ye Chen nodded, remembered something, and asked him, “Mr. Fei, as far as you know, have compatriots harmed compatriots a lot in the United States these years?”

Fei Jianzhong smiled awkwardly and said seriously: “A lot, why not much, in fact, this kind of thing has always been common in the United States…”

Having said that, Fei Jianzhong said again: “Of course, it’s not just our Chinese compatriots who are in this situation. In fact, people from all countries are similar.”

After a pause, Fei Jianzhong explained: “You also know that because the United States is a country of immigrants, the population here is very complex, there are many ethnic minorities, and these ethnic minorities, due to new arrivals and language barriers, often There will be two extremes;”

“One extreme is that they are very close to their compatriots. Everyone is twisted together to take care of each other, advance and retreat together, and be extremely united. This is how Chinatown and Koreatown were built. Of course, there are also many gangs composed of ethnic minorities. It is for this reason that it is growing;”

“The other extreme is that some very individual people, in order to take root in the United States, choose to do things that harm others and benefit themselves, but because of the language barrier, unfamiliar environment, and strong dragons do not overwhelm local snakes, they You can only start from the compatriots around you, so there is a small group of people who use their compatriots to be less vigilant and choose their compatriots to start.”

“This kind of person has a crooked mind in itself. You ask him to cheat Americans, but he can’t even speak a sentence of complete English except for swearing. Even if he wants to cheat Americans, he doesn’t have that ability. Strength, you say that he has a crooked mind and has no place to make a mess, he will definitely not turn his back on it, he can only find an outlet for his crooked mind, and in this case, his compatriots are the easiest exit in his eyes;”

“In the United States, if an Italian, African, or Eastern European person dies mysteriously or suffers a murder, there is a high probability that the murderer will be their compatriot. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the United States, especially among people of color. Living in a slum, it is no exaggeration to say that if there is no gunshots in such a place at night, the residents here will not be able to sleep.”

When Ye Chen heard this, he nodded slightly.

He felt that what Fei Jianzhong analyzed was very fair.

There are good and bad people everywhere. Although there are scumbags like Chen Liping among the Chinese who are harming their compatriots, most compatriots must still take care of each other and help each other more.

Just like Chen Zhaozhong, even if he is in deep distress in New York, he must organize with other Chinese to help those Chinese children who have lost their families.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen said with a grim expression: “The vast majority of Chinese are able to unite overseas, but it is these black sheep who choose to kill their compatriots. How many compatriots have been deceived.”

Fei Jianzhong nodded and said: “By the way, Mr. Ye, I asked a lawyer to help me retrieve the precedents of similar cases in the United States in recent years. For most of the similar cases, in the end, I did not find the mastermind behind the scenes. Most of them were unknowing carriers and were eventually sentenced, and among those arrested, there were not only Chinese, but also Japanese, Koreans, and people from other countries. There should be a very large number of people behind this. criminal organization.”

Ye Chen asked him, “Did the American police find out the mastermind behind it?”

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