The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 4834

If it is Harry Potter written by JK Rollins, although it is very profitable, but it does not have any strategic value to the United States, then the White House will not be interested in this book, let alone do any infringements on it;

But if other countries and other companies discover any patents of strategic value, the White House will definitely be the first to find a way to acquire this patented technology.

The magic of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill is that it does not matter what kind of cancer the patient has, or what stage the patient has reached, even if it has metastasized to the whole body, or even has caused organ failure and can die at any time. Patients, as long as they take this medicine, can see immediate improvement!

If this kind of medicine is only used to make money, then it can absolutely attract money all over the world. Whether rich or poor, once they get cancer, I am afraid they will do their best to hand over their life savings to Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical. ;

If this medicine is regarded as a strategic material, it can not only make money from other countries, but can even use it as a bargaining chip to force the other party to make more concessions.

Therefore, the first thought of the White House is such a good thing, they must get it!

Seeing Ye Chen’s dissatisfaction, Smith choked and said, “Mr. Ye, this matter you are talking about is beyond my control. After all, I am only the person in charge of the FDA, who is responsible for the approval and supervision of drugs. As for the military Whether Fang and the CIA sent agents, I really have no ability to interfere…”

With that said, Smith looked at Ye Chen and begged bitterly, “Mr. Ye, now I just ask you to see that I am the father of a child with cancer, and then sell me some Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills so that my son can live. down…”

Ye Chen smiled lightly and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you something, because the raw materials and production capacity of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills are extremely limited, so after the careful decision of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical, Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills will be unlimited. If you want to give up overseas markets, you hear it clearly, you are giving up all overseas markets, not just the United States.”

In fact, Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill was specially created by Ye Chen to stimulate the FDA.

At that time, the FDA was very hostile to Chinese patent medicines, so it was difficult for Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical’s Jiuxuan Weisan, Jiuxuan Hugan Tablets, and Jiuxuan Gujin San to pass the FDA’s audit.

Failure to pass the FDA audit does not only mean that these three drugs cannot be marketed in the United States.

Because, throughout Europe and the United States, there are many countries in the pharmaceutical standards, which are very deep learning from the US FDA.

If a drug passes the audit of the US FDA, many countries in Europe and the United States will open their doors to this drug.

But once this drug is rejected by the US FDA, other countries will have many times stricter audit procedures for this drug, and even refuse approval just like the FDA.

Therefore, Ye Chen used the Sanxue Rescue Pill, combined with Jiuxuan Gujin Powder, to produce Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill, which was regarded by the FDA as the No. 1 specific medicine for cancer.

However, this Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill itself is not a drug that can be truly mass-produced.

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