The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 4907

As for Li Yalin, who was the first to take Reshaping Dan, he returned to his home in Houston with his wife, daughter, and son-in-law on the private jet of Anjia.

Since Fei Kexin endorsed him, his image in the eyes of his family is comparable to that of a superhero.

In the early years, his wife and daughter lived with him in New York. At that time, he devoted himself to work and seldom asked about his wife and children.

And because of his identity as a policeman, he is quite strict with his wife and daughter on weekdays, and the atmosphere at home has been very depressed without knowing it.

Later, his relationship with his family became more and more tense. When his daughter was in college, she deliberately gave up the school in New York and chose to study in Houston, in order to stay away from him so that she could breathe a sigh of relief.

The wife also took the opportunity to choose to accompany her daughter to study in Houston, and began to separate from him in fact.

But fortunately, the two sides have only been separated for a long time, and they have not risen to the point of needing a divorce.

Li Yalin’s daughter is not very good in her studies. She was rebellious when she was young, and her father is a resolute detective who is more strict than ordinary parents. Therefore, although her rebelliousness is struggling, she has never had a chance to emerge.

Although Li Yalin has lived in the United States for most of his life, he is a downright Chinese-style parent. The way he treats his daughter’s education can be summed up in the words ‘excessive intervention and strict restraint’.

And because of the high pressure he brought, his daughter turned from rebellious to a relatively decadent school-weary mentality. Because of this, the relationship between father and daughter has never eased.

Li Yalin’s income before retirement was almost $400,000 to $500,000 a year.

Although this income level is not low, it also firmly welds his family’s social stratum to the middle class.

His daughter got married last year to a young Chinese man who graduated from a prestigious university and worked for NASA.

Although his son-in-law is somewhat talented, he is too high-spirited. In addition, he is not valued very much in NASA, and he is even marginalized and discriminated against, so he is often depressed.

Li Yalin understands his son-in-law quite well. He is a professional in aerospace and has excellent education and skills. However, because of his Chinese identity and his lack of relationship background, he has been suppressed by the NASA.

In fact, Li Yalin was the same when he first became a detective.

In the American police system, although ethnic minorities are rarely subjected to obvious discrimination, the repression of the general environment is everywhere.

Most police officers of ethnic minorities hold relatively low-level jobs. If they want to climb up, they must pay far more effort than others.

After returning home, Li Yalin left his family in the living room and said with emotion: “I finally come back, let’s have a meeting with everyone first.”

The wife, daughter and son-in-law agreed without hesitation and sat on both sides of Li Yalin.

Li Yalin took out the $10 million check given by Fei Kexin from his arms and said, “As for this money, my current idea is to leave it all to the baby in Yuanyuan’s womb and make him a family trust. ”

The daughter hurriedly said: “Dad, the child has not yet been born, you don’t have to think so long for him…”

Li Yalin said solemnly: “This is something I must consider. Before, it was because I gave too little consideration to you that the relationship between our family was so alienated. Besides, I didn’t do it for you, but for your children. and his future children…”

Speaking, he sighed: “I have more contact with your Uncle An and his family, and I understand a truth. The reason why the rich in the West can keep getting rich is because their asset inheritance pays more attention to contracts, not blind inheritance. , so starting from the baby in your womb, we will also make a family trust, and invest all ten million dollars into it. Before the child turns eighteen, all this money will be used for the lowest-risk investment. At the age of eight, it should at least double.”

Li Yalin’s son-in-law couldn’t help but said at this time: “Dad… there is something, I have been looking for an opportunity to tell you on the way back, and you must not be angry with me when you say it… .”

Li Yalin looked at his son-in-law, nodded and said, “Xiao Sun, tell me.”

The son-in-law hesitated for a moment, then said bravely: “When I was in the Anbang Building, Mr. An Chongqiu of the An family talked to me, and he said that the An family was willing to take out 100 million US dollars to make a trust for me and Yuanyuan’s children, on the condition that Yes, if the child in Yuanyuan’s womb is a boy, let him be surnamed Li with Yuanyuan, if it is a girl, you can choose the surname Li, or wait for another boy to be born, and then let the boy be surnamed Li…”

Li Yalin and his wife and daughter were shocked.

Li Yalin was even more guilty. He didn’t think that An Chongqiu told his son-in-law about this in private, so he quickly said: “Xiao Sun, don’t be angry, your uncle An told you this, mainly because you, Grandpa An, are a bit of a man. Old Feudal, don’t take it to your heart, let alone blame him…”

“No…” The son-in-law said embarrassedly: “Dad…I…I have…I have made my own decision…I have agreed. …”

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