The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 4980

After Helena helped Ye Chen clean up the bed, she said respectfully, “Mr. Ye, please rest first. If you need anything, please let me know.”

“Okay, thank you.” Ye Chen smiled and nodded. After thanking, he watched Helena exit the room.

Afterwards, Ye Chen washed up in the bathroom of the room, took off his clothes a little tiredly, and put them neatly on the bench at the end of the bed. Except for his underwear, he held the ring in his palm.

Immediately afterwards, he lay down on the bed that was still warm and fragrant.

Thinking that the body temperature and lingering fragrance all came from the graceful and charming Helena, Ye Chen couldn’t help being three-pointed and two-pointed at a certain moment.

However, when he thought of the pitiful ring in his hand again, Ye Chen couldn’t help but feel a little pain in his heart.

He put the ring on his fingertips and kept turning it back and forth, hesitating again and again, but he still couldn’t help but pour some spiritual energy into it.

As a result, it was still the same as usual, the ring made a buzzing sound, which seemed to tell him that the heart had been received, and there was no other indication.

Ye Chen was suddenly a little annoyed.

Did you deceive yourself with a ring?

Why is this damn thing as stinky and shameless as those deceitful slaughterhouses on the Internet, and deceitful online gambling?

Even those hog-killers in northern Myanmar who are exposed to electric batons while trembling with their fingers on the Internet pretending to be beautiful women or rich second-generation scammers, at least they will care about the target when cheating money, Hush and ask for warmth.

In contrast, the professional ethics of this ring is not as good as that of a fraudster.

However, Ye Chen couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed.

He thought to himself: “Could it be that my method of opening the ring is wrong?”

Thinking of this, he immediately put the ring on his left middle finger, and then poured some spiritual energy into it, wanting to see if this thing must be worn on the finger to trigger it.

However, even though he had put the ring on his finger, the ring was still as shameless as ever.

Seeing that he was cheated out of a lot of spiritual energy again, Ye Chen really couldn’t be more angry.

But when I think that I have put so much spiritual energy into it, it is really a shame to just give up.

After all, what he is facing is a ring, not the kind of insatiable online scammer.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and continued to comfort himself: “Maybe it’s the wrong finger? Try it with another finger!”

Since the ring really couldn’t fit into the thumb, Ye Chen tried it on the other eight fingers in turn.

After the test, the whole person’s mentality of anger has completely collapsed.

This ghost is really just like those pig butchers, eating people without spitting out bones.

The purpose of the pig killer is to drain every penny of the victim, and the purpose of this ring may be to drain every penny of his aura…

After thinking up to this point, Ye Chen felt dejected.

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