The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 5007

Ye Chen nodded: “Then you ask.”

“Okay.” Li Yalin immediately picked up his notepad. During Ye Chen’s conversation with several people just now, he had already listed the questions he wanted to know.

The first few questions were actually asked by Ye Chen when he was in Nordic Bergen.

Such as, their identities, wisdom, the location of the resident, and some specific information about the resident.

These seven people naturally said everything they knew in one go.

Li Yalin listened carefully, and after they finished introducing the basic situation, he asked, “What is the organizational structure in Cyprus, you knights?”

The leader explained: “There are two hundred and seventy-one Xiao cavalry guards, divided into three banners, left, middle, and right, with ninety people in each banner, and three battalions in each banner, thirty people in each battalion.” , each battalion is divided into three teams, each team has ten people, and there is a commander. Below are the banner commanders of the three banners, the battalion commanders of the nine battalions, and the captains of the twenty-seven teams. The battalion commander of the first battalion of Zhongqi.”

As he spoke, he continued to introduce: “In addition, there is a Jiedu envoy and five personal guards next to the Jiedu envoy, but they are members of another system, and their status is much higher than ours. .”

Li Yalin asked him: “What kind of official position is Jiedushi?”

The man replied: “Jiedushi is the supreme commander of the entire garrison, in charge of the life and death power of everyone in the entire garrison.”

Li Yalin frowned and asked: “Jiedushi, Commander, Xiaoqiwei, these titles of your functions seem to be very old. What’s their origin?”

The man explained: “It all originated from the military system of the Ming Dynasty.”

Li Yalin blurted out: “This organization of yours probably lasted from the Ming Dynasty to today?”

The humane said: “To tell you the truth, the history of the dead men who were manipulated and enslaved alone has a traceable history of at least three hundred years, so the time when the organization was founded may really be in the Ming Dynasty, but I am only speculating on these. I’m not too sure about the situation.”

Li Yalin couldn’t help taking a breath, then he collected himself and asked again: “Then do you have the identity information of this Jiedushi?”

“No.” The man shook his head and said: “The internal structure of the garrison is extremely strict. Although we knight guards have a higher status than the dead soldiers, we are still the objects of the organization’s enslavement. We follow orders every day. , I don’t know the specific identity of Jiedushi.”

Li Yalin pursed his lips, and asked again: “If we divide by strength, which group is the most powerful among Jiedushi, Jiedushi’s personal guards, Xiao cavalry guards, and dead soldiers?”

The man thought for a while, and said: “We have never seen Jiedu Shi and his personal guards attack, but our strength is generally stronger than the dead soldiers, because we stand out from the dead soldiers.”

Li Yalin asked him: “Do you Xiaoqiwei often perform missions?”

The man replied: “Xiao cavalry guards only perform emergency tasks.”

As he said that, he further introduced: “Normal missions are usually carried out by dead men. We will select the dead men to perform the mission in advance, and then make them deeply unconscious before departure, and then hand them over to the postman to transport them to the place where the mission is to be carried out. , but this kind of preparation time is relatively long, and there is no time for emergencies, so once there is an emergency, we Xiaoqiwei will be responsible.”

Li Yalin asked again: “Then please describe to me all the details of the mission you received this time.”

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