The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 5040

Therefore, Ye Chen came up with an idea to eliminate rape.

He planned to let these management personnel call the heads of Xiaoqiwei at all levels to come here first, and let them take medicine here intensively.

After they take the medicine, calmly give them a chance to have a direct interview with their “special envoy”.

The antidote brought by Ye Chen, as long as these Xiaoqi guards take it, the poison in the body will be disintegrated in an instant. At that time, if anyone keeps a secret from himself after taking the medicine and leaves silently, it must be against the Po Qinghui. With reservations.

However, if someone comes to inform me immediately after taking the medicine, then this person’s heart must have completely fallen to the Po Qinghui.

Through this method, although it is impossible to determine whether those who have reservations are really at odds with the Poqing Society, at least they can screen out the traitors in the Xiaoqiwei first.

So, he asked the Jiedu envoy, “How many leaders are there at all levels of Xiaoqiwei?”

The Jiedushi said without thinking: “The Xiaoqiguard has a commander, three banner commanders, nine battalion commanders, and twenty-seven captains.”

After finishing speaking, he continued: “However, the last mission lost a commander, a battalion commander and two captains.”

Ye Chen nodded, and said lightly: “Divide the rest into three groups, bring the people in one group here first, prepare a room for them next door, and let them take medicine there.”

The Jiedu Envoy immediately said respectfully: “Your subordinate will make the arrangement!”

Ye Chen hummed, and said: “After you bring the man, come here to find me.”

“it is good!”

Waited for about a few minutes.

The Jiedu Envoy came back in a hurry, and respectfully said to Ye Chen: “Master Special Envoy, the first group of twelve people has arrived, please move to the meeting room!”

Ye Chen nodded, wrapped in a black robe, and led by Jiedu Shi, to the huge conference room next door.

In the conference room at this time, there were already twelve middle-aged men who were restless.

These people are all leaders of Xiaoqiwei at all levels.

When Ye Chen stepped in, all of these people looked very nervous.

Ye Chen walked up to the top of the meeting table, looked at the twelve warrior guards, and said lightly: “Everyone, thanks to the benevolence of the hero, I specially changed all the warrior guards with a new antidote, and I called you here today. I hope everyone can try this new drug first.”

When they heard that it was a new antidote, everyone’s expressions were terrified.

At this time, they were all very surprised.

Because, in their memory, they have never heard of the organization changing new drugs.

Ye Chen continued at this time: “Recently, the situation has changed suddenly. I think you have heard that Xiaoqiwei will face more difficult tasks in the future, so the effect of your medicine in the past seven days is obviously not enough, so the hero has prepared for you. With a new antidote, the effect of the new drug will be extended from seven days to fifteen days.”

When the twelve people heard this, their doubts were immediately dispelled.

Ye Chen took out the antidote he had prepared, and said lightly: “Everyone will take the medicine here this time. After taking the medicine, I will talk to you one by one next door. At that time, I need you to tell me the truth about your feelings about taking the medicine. Your description , I will record it and submit it to the British Lord when I go back!”

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